Net Promoter Score is designed to measure this
What is customer experience as a whole?
Customer satisfaction with a company's products or services.
What does CSAT measure?
Customer effort has been shown to have a negative impact on....
What is Customer sentiment?
The actual customer journey map is...
What is one product of a customer journey mapping process?
One of three people contributing to development of QA for Ezee Fiber.
The inventor of Net Promoter Score.
Who is Fred Reichheld?
The University of Michigan...
What is the place where CSAT was developed?
The amount of effort a customer has to put in to enjoy your product or services...
What is Customer Effort Score?
The customer persona is....
What is the other product of the customer journey mapping process?
The tool used to record quality performance.
What is the QA scorecard?
Net promoter score has been used to predict this.
What is business growth?
What enterprises hope to learn from CSAT.
What are customer pain points?
The year that CES was developed.
What is 2010?
The year the modern Customer Journey Mapping process came to be.
What is 2009?
Interpersonal and technical skills
The year that NPS was invented.
What is 2003?
The year that CSAT was developed.
The developers of the Customer Effort Score.
The marketing firm that provided the most recent update to the Customer Journey Map process.
Who is McKinsey?
The system that houses the scorecard and scores.
What is Genesys?
What is "How likely is it that you would recommend X to a friend or colleague?"
Divide the number of customers rating satisfaction a 4-5 by the total number of responses.
How do you calculate Customer Satisfaction?
Determining which issues are causing the most frustration?
Determining how many interactions need to occur before a customer becomes upset?
How someone becomes aware of your brand...
What is one thing you learn from your customer personas?
The scorecard is meant to measure this.
What is agent behavior?