What does CCCES stand for?
Candy's Creek Cherokee Elementary School
Name a 3rd grade teacher.
Cantrell, Donnelly, Akins, or Newman
Name all 4 councils
Council of fire, water, earth, and air
Who is Mrs. Botta?
First grade teacher
What grades are on the red hall?
Kindergarten and first
What is the CCCES mascot?
Who is our music teacher?
Mrs. Avery
What does the council of air stand for?
Who is Mrs. Poplin
Art teacher
What grades are on the yellow hall?
2nd and 3rd
What are the CCCES colors?
red, yellow, blue
Name a 1st grade teacher.
Botta, Nekhela, Lay, or Stephens
What does the council of earth stand for?
Who is Mrs. Elliott
What grades are on the blue hall?
4th and 5th
What year did CCCES open?
Who is our nurse?
Nurse Rachel Taylor
What does the council of water stand for?
Who is Mrs. Tricia Bozell?
School secretary?
When walking down the main hall FROM the front doors, do you come to the library or music room first?
What Indian tribe was CCCES named after?
Cherokee Indians
What is the REAL name of our librarian, Dr. Booklove?
Ann Collins
What does the council of fire stand for?
Who is Mike Harris?
School resource officer
Where are the 2 ESL classrooms?
blue hall