How many masses are given on Sunday?
What is the name of our Priest
Father Jose
How many sacraments are there?
This gesture is how we begin and end each prayer
Sign of the cross
What is the first sacrament we receive?
What season of the church are we in?
What’s the name of our church
Saint Patrick’s Church
This is the time of the year when we wait for the coming of Jesus
Complete this sentence “Glory be to the ___, ____, and ____ ______”
Father, son and Holy Spirit
The sacrament we receive the Body and Blood of Christ
When can the bells be rung?
When the Sacred Host and chalice of Precious blood is elevated.
What is the name of our Deacon?
Deacon Wayne Crooks
Who is able to Baptize
Priest and Deacons
The prayer includes the statement “as we forgive those who trespass against us”
Our Father
This sacrament takes away original sin
The vestments and sacred vessels are normally kept here
The Sacristy
Who is the Pope of the Catholic Church
Pope Francis
What is the meal Jesus ate with his disciples the night before he died
The last supper
This prayer that includes the quote “pray for us sinners”
Hail Mary
The sacrament when we confess our sins
This Prayer comes before the sign of peace and after the great amen
Our Father aka The Lords Prayer
Who is our Bishop
Daniel H. Mueggenborg
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of
Prayer that begins with, “ I confess to almighty god, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned….”
The Confiteor
The sacrament given by the priest to those who are ill, hurt, or dying
Anointing of the sick