This prayer starts out "In the name of the Father ... ".
What is the Sign of the Cross?
He was told by God to sacrifice his son.
Who is Abraham?
This is the person that celebrates the mass.
What is the priest?
This prayer is usually said just before the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
What is the Act of Contrition?
This person killed the giant Goliath.
Who is David?
This is the head of the Catholic Church.
Who is the Pope?
This prayer is said during the Rosary and contains the word "Glory"?
What is the Glory Be?
These people followed the star to where Jesus was born.
Who are the Three Kings or Three Wise Men?
A building that is a center of Jewish prayer.
What is a synagogue/temple?
This prayer could be known as the profession of faith.
What is the Creed?
This person was thrown to the lions, but did not die.
Who is Daniel?
This day marks the beginning of Lent.
What is Ash Wednesday?
This prayer was taught to us by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
What is the Lord's Prayer?
Name one of the Gospels.
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John?
A witness to Baptism who assumes the responsibility for helping the baptized person along the road of Christian life.
What is a Godparent?