What is the First Commandment?
"I am the Lord your God you shall have no other gods before me"
What prayer do we use to invoke the intercession of Our Lady?
Hail Mary
What are the 2 days of required fasting by the Catholic Church?
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
What is the 5th Commandment and what does it require?
"Thou shall not kill"
It requires us to respect all human life from the moment of conception till natural death.
What is the 10th Commandment?
"Though shall not covet thy neighbor's goods"
What are the Commandments?
The moral laws of God that God gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai
What is the Second Commandment and what does it forbid?
"Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain"
Forbids us from dishonoring the name of God, disrespecting it, or to blaspheme to God, Our Lady, the saints, or holy things
What is Abstinence?
To give up something voluntarily.
In the Church a day of abstinence is a day during which we do not eat meat.
Does the Fifth Commandment require us to have goodwill towards all?
Yes. Even towards our enemies.
What is the 9th Commandment?
What does it forbid?
"Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife"
It forbids any unchaste thoughts or desires
What does the First Commandment forbid?
Heresy, voluntary doubt, idolatry, indifference to God
What does the Third Commandment require us to do?
Honor God on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation by participating in the Holy Mass.
What does the Fourth Commandment require us to do?
To love, respect, and obey our parents and others who have authority over us.
Who can make laws and precepts in the Church?
The Bishops in union with the Pope
they make up the Magisterium
What is the 6th Commandment?
What does it require of us?
"Thou shall not commit adultery"
It requires us to be chaste in our actions and words
How should we pray and what for?
Saying you're sorry
What is an oath?
Calling upon God as a witness for what is declared or promised.
Why must we obey those in authority?
Because this authority comes from God. To oppose it is to oppose God.
What is Scandal?
Scandal is the sin of leading others into sin by the example of our actions.
What does the 8th Commandment forbid?
It forbids all deliberate falsehoods and unjust damage to another person's reputation including bearing false witness, slander, lying, and rash judgment
What is the most perfect prayer?
Mass is the most perfect prayer because Jesus offers himself to the Father for us.
What are the Holy Days of Obligation
The Solemnity of Mary Mother of God
The Ascension
The Assumption
All Saints Day
Immaculate Conception
What is Penance?
Penance is an act of self-denial or prayer thar helps strengthen us to do God's will and by his grace, to make up for sin.
Why does the Church have the authority to make laws and precepts?
Because she has received this authority from Jesus Christ through his Apostles.
What is the supreme witness of Truth?