What are 2 types of questions you could ask the customer throughout your call?
Open and Close ended questions
Can work perks stack with other service discounts? (free line, Military discount, etc.)
No- it is a solo service discount and cannot be combined with any other service discounts/ discounted plans.
What system do you use to look at information about anything and everything that T-mobile has to offer.
(Hint: it's our T-Mobile Google)
What is T-Mobile work perks?
Eligible new and existing customers can save 15% off Go5G Plus or Go5G Next.
What payment method is required to have on file to be eligible for the AutoPay discount?
-Bank Account
-Debit Card
What is the proper hold time limit before checking back in with our customers?
2 minutes
Can existing customers sign up for work perks?
Yes- New and existing customers who work for qualifying companies or government agencies can receive the work perks discount.
What's the official name of the existing customer database?
What is the CCDBO (work perks back office) number?
What are the two differences between the Go5G Plus and the Go5G Next?
-Yearly Upgrade
-Hulu on us w/ Ads
Name 2 traits of a great Un-Carrier Greeting:
- Fun & Upbeat
- Simplified
- Genuine
What rate plans are available for work perks?
Go5G Plus or Go5G Next
What does our Sheer ID system do?
Verifies customer's employment status.
Up to how many lines can receive the work perks discount on one account?
On up to five voice lines.
How many lines max can the Select Employee Unlimited No Credit Check Plan have?
- 5 lines
What are the 4 response steps AFTER you greet the customer?
-Acknowledge the reason for the call
-Empathize (Don’t be fake – be YOU!)
-Set Expectations with the customer
-Ask questions to learn more
How long will it take for this discount to show on a bill?
1-2 bill cycles
What 2 systems can be used to search up the customer's employer to check work perks eligibility?
Power BI
Why does the bill due date change for the work perks discount?
The account due date is changed to match the employers pre-selected due date for the work perks discount.
What is the maximum credit amount for AutoPay on Go5G plans?
8 lines - $40 discount max for autopay
What are the 4 parts of our Interaction Model?
- Happily Greet
- Ask Questions
- Recommend Services
- Thank Customers
Who needs to submit employment information to get discount added?
The direct employee of the qualifying company or government agency - can be the BRP (Billing responsible party) or an AU (authorized user) on the account.
What are the steps for applying the work perks discount in Samson?
1. Change the account type to Individual/MCSA.
2. Verify the customer is on the accurate Go5G Plus or Go5G Next rate plan. Update and back-date the plan if necessary.
3. Apply the necessary discount code for BAN/ Subscriber discount for the account.
4. Add the Company Node
5. Save the changes and exit the BAN.
What are prorated charges?
A fee that's calculated for a partial billing period.
How much does each line cost on the Select Employee Unlimited No Credit Check Plan (Walmart/Sam's Club and Autozone Employees)
-$28.88 each line