CCTA Anatomy
CCTA Pillars
Verifying Orders
Calcium Scores

What are the four chambers of the heart?

What are the left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle, and right ventricle?


What are 3 things visualized in a Parasternal Long Axis MIP MPR?

What is the aorta, left ventricle, and left atrium?


What is the best overall phase for imaging in most cases?

What is diastolic?


What is the first thing you should check when loading images into Visage?

What is numerical order.


What is one thing you will never score?

What is a stent?


What are the three cusps of the aortic valve?

What are the left coronary cusp, right coronary cusp, and non-coronary cusp?


What is the determining factor on how to label vessels?

What is landing zones?


If a facility sends a non-contrast study, what should be added to the order?

What is a calcium score?


On Visage, how many images should be in your report?

What is 6 images?


At what level do you measure on a Scout Reference for Tera Scripps Protocols?

What is the 12th rib?


What artery is a rare vessel located between the LAD and LCX?

What is the Ramus?


Which vessels can get a dual name?

What is RCA and LCX?


If a facility sends two phases between 20-40% and two phases between 60-80%, with the phases in between, what should be added unless otherwise stated?

What is a CFA?


On Tera, how do you get to each results page?

What is Right mouse click and select each data set?


What is the main difference on a BHE Protocol?

What is labeling "Others" on Report?


What smaller branches originate from the LAD?

What are the diagonal (D) and septal branches?


On a Mass General Protocol, if I have a PLA, True RCA, PDA (most dominant in that order), what am I spinning for the RCA and what will I name it?

What is PLA, but name it RCA?


When should you perform an additional phase?

What is when there is motion present on specific vessels on overall phase selected, where the vessel looks better on a different phase?

On Vitrea, If a facility request height and weight, when do you add it in?

What is adding in the data last?


What must be selected on the drop down when sending to Visage from Coreline? 

What is Little Endian Explicit?


What vessel runs along the right AV groove between the right atrium and right ventricle?

What is the right coronary artery (RCA)?


What should be included on a VRT?

What is all coronary vessels associated with the heart?


Before calling a facility for missing images, what should you check?

What is reviewing the inbound to see if images are still coming over?


When structuring in the Left Ventricle, what do you try to avoid?

What is the heart muscle (myocardium)? 


On Vitrea, when exporting your batch, what must be selected so it is sent over properly to the facility?

What is "Group Evidence into Single Series"?