What kind of map distorts the shapes and sizes of countries or other political regions to present economic, or other kinds of data for comparison?
What is the region in the United States called that has states in coastal areas in the south and southwest?
What is the heterogeneous culture that is more influenced by Key urban areas and quick to adopt new technologies?
Popular Culture
What is the political claim to territory in another country based on ethnic affiliations and historic borders?
What is a regional variation of a language that is understood by people who speak other variations of that language?
What is the built forms that cultural groups create in inhabiting earth? Farm fields, cities, houses are examples.
Cultural Landscape
What is the average number of people living in a square mile or a square kilometer?
Population density
What occurs when ideas leapfrog from lower level of hierarchy to a higher level?
Reverse Hierarchical Diffusion
What is terrorism that transcends national boundaries and is intended to intimidate people in other countries?
International Terrorism
What is designed to boost fertility rates and ultimately population growth?
Pronatalist Policies
What is the decreasing distance between places, as measured by travel time or cost?
Time-Space Compression
What is the average number of people per unit area of arable land?
Physiological Density
What is a combined language that has a fuller vocabulary than a pigeon language and becomes a native language?
What is an international political body that nation-states establish in cooperation with their neighbors for mutual political, military, economic, or cultural gain?
Supranational Organization
What is the loss of uniqueness of a place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next?
What is a person’s feeling about a particular place and why it’s important to him or her?
Sense of place
What conceptualizes how crude birth rate and crude death rate, as well as the resulting rate of natural increase change overtime as countries go through industrialization and urbanization?
Demographic transition model (DTM)
What are the three great monotheistic faiths?
Christianity, Judaism and Islam
What is a political, economic, and social union of 28 independent European countries that promotes the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital among its members?
European Union (EU)
What is the second largest language family that includes Mandarin, Thai, Cantonese, and Burmese?
Sing-Tibetan Language Family
What is the idea that the farther away from its hearth a culture trait gets, the less likely it is to be adopted or have an impact?
Time-Distance Decay
What is designed to curtail population growth by reducing fertility rates?
Anti-Natalist Policies
What language family includes the Germanic and Romance languages and is spoken by 50% of the world‘s people?
Indo-European Language Family
What are cost advantages that can come with a larger scale of operations?
Economies of Scale
What is the 1994 trade agreement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico that revised as the United States – Mexico – Canada agreement (USMCA) IN 2020?
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA-USMCA)