earth, land
- give Latin translation
- say what declension and gender
- recite all declension endings
1st D. feminine
-a, -ae, -ae, -am, -a
-ae, -arum, -is, -as, -is
porto - I carry
good - bad (in masculine form)
bonus - malus
I warn - to warn - I warned - warned
moneo - monere - monui - monitus
Name all Latin tenses in two systems
- Present System: present, imperfect, future
- Perfect System: perfect, pluperfect, future perfect
- give Latin translation
- say what declension and gender
- recite all declension endings
2nd D. masculine
-us, -i, -o, -um, -o
-i, -orum, -is, -os, -is
narro - I tell
large - small (in feminine form)
magna - parva
I have - to have - I had - had
habeo - habere - habui - habitus
Name all 5 cases and their functions in a sentence/meanings
- nominative: subject case
- genitive: possessive or "of" case
- dative: indirect object or "to/for" case
- accusative: direct object case
- ablative: "in/by/with/from" case
- give Latin translation
- say what declension and gender
- recite all declension endings
cor cordis
3rd D. neuter
-, -is, -i, -, -e
-a, -um, -ibus, -a, -ibus
puto - I think
eternal - holy (in masculine form)
aeternus - sanctus
I see - to see - I saw - seen
video - videre - vidi - visus
Explain how to get present stem and perfect stem for a verb. Use "amo" and "moneo" to give examples.
- to get the present stem, drop -re from the 2nd principal part (the infinitive): ama-re, mone-re
- to get the perfect stem, drop -i from the 3rd principal part: amav-i, monu-i
house, home
- give Latin translation
- say what declension and gender
- recite all declension endings
4th D. feminine
-us, -us, -ui, -um, -u
-us, -uum, -ibus, -us, -ibus
celo - I hide
many - new (in feminine form)
multa - nova
I teach - to teach - I taught - taught
doceo - docere - docui - doctus
Give abbreviations and explain all gender rules that we learned
NG: natural gender trumps all other rules
1D F: 1st Decl. nouns are usually feminine
2D -us M: 2nd Decl. nouns ending in -us are masculine
2D -um N: 2nd Decl. nouns ending in -um are neuter
4D M (-2f): 4th Decl. nouns are masculine with 2 exceptions (domus, manus)
5D F (-1m): 4th Decl. nouns are feminine with 1 exception (dies)
- give Latin translation
- say what declension and gender
- recite all declension endings
spes spei
5th D. feminine
-es, -ei, -ei, -em, -e
-es, -erum, -ebus, -es, -ebus
rogo - I ask
high - wide (in neuter form)
altum - latum
I burn - to burn - I burned - burnt
ardeo - ardere - arsi - arsus
Give 4 Principal Parts of "sum" and recite all forms in each tense (6 tenses)
PP: sum - esse - fui - futurus
Present: sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt
Imperfect: eram, eras, erat, eramus, eratis, erant
Future: ero, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt
Perfect: fui, fuisti, fuit, fuimus, fuistis, fuerunt
Pluperfect: fueram, fueras, fuerat, fueramus, fueratis, fuerant
Future Perfect: fuero, fueris, fuerit, fuerimus, fueritis, fuerint