Racial Equity
Culturally Responsive Education
Continuous Improvement
In the Network

The socially constructed meaning attached to a variety of physical attributes, including but not limited to skin and eye color, hair texture, and bone structures of people in the United States and elsewhere.

What is race?


The way of life of a particular people, especially as shown in their ordinary behavior and habits, their attitudes toward each other, and their moral and religious beliefs.

What is culture?


The 4 strands that make up the acronym for the PDSA cycle.

What are Plan, Do, Study, Act?


The total number of cohort meetings in the 2023-24 school year.

What is 7?


The systematic mistreatment of certain groups of people (often referred to as people of color) on the basis of skin color or other physical characteristics.

What is racism?


The book we read to exemplify culturally responsive math teaching in cohort meeting number #6.

What is "Grandma's Tiny House"?


By June 2024,

50% of Black  PreK-2nd grade focus students will demonstrate an improvement in their math skills, as evidenced by their math grades.

What is our Network Aim?


The strand outside of cohort meetings that supports the implementation of PDSA cycles in the classrooms.

What is coaching?


The meaning that each of us has constructed or constructs about what it means to be a person of color or white person in a race-conscious society.

What is racial identity development?


A pedagogy that empowers students intellectually, socially, emotionally, and politically by using culture to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes. At its core is relationship-building and using students' pre-existing knowledge and ways of being as a scaffold for learning.

What is Culturally Responsive Education?


Small targeted actions you can try, test, and refine.

What are change ideas?


An aspiration, or collective vision, for how we want to be in relationship with one another that we ask each member to commit to and revisit at the start of each cohort meeting.

What are community agreements?


The culture of feeling pressure to implement something perfectly, whether it is a change idea or continuous improvement itself and/or feeling that you need to do it perfectly yourself before you can help others to do it.

What is the white dominant culture characteristic of perfectionism?


Observable and concrete aspects of a particular way of life.

What is Surface Culture?


A visual tool designed to guide our thinking from what our network is trying to achieve to the small target actions that are tried out to reach our aim.

What is the Driver Diagram?


The edible items used in the consensogram community builder poll at the beginning of cohort meeting #5.

What are candy bars?


The four types of racism.

What is interpersonal, internalized, institutional, and structural racism?


The author of the book, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, who posed the question “Who’s culture are we responding to?”  in the video clip played during cohort meeting #4. 

Who is Zaretta Hammond?


A structured process that teams can use to identify the underlying contributing factors of a problem like racial disparities in outcomes.

What is Root Cause Analysis?


Of the 7 types of rest shared in cohort meeting #4, this type of rest is focused on calming the mind and can include journaling and meditation.

What is mental rest?