The House on Mango Street
The House on Mango Street
The House on Mango Street
What is theme?
The theme is the main lesson, moral, or subject of a piece of writing.
What are the four purposes for writing?
Persuade, Inform, Entertain, and Explain
What is the theme of the chapter "The House on Mango Street?"
A house isn't always a home
What is the theme of "Those Who Don't"?
The theme is to not judge something before you know it.
What is the purpose of "A Rice Sandwich"?
The Purpose of "A Rice Sandwich" is to explain to the reader how Esperanza was able to eat in the Canteen for a day.
How can you determine theme?
You ask yourself: "What lesson did the main character learn?" "What was the main idea of the text?"
What does it mean to persuade someone?
To convince them of your opinion.
What is the purpose of the chapter "The House on Mango Street"?
The purpose is to inform the reader about the living situation of the narrator.
What is the purpose of "Those Who Don't"?
The purpose is to inform the reader of the way outsiders behave in new neighborhoods.
What does Esperanza mean?
Esperanza means hope.
What is the theme? The Magna Carta was a document written in 1215 in England. This document took some of the King of England's power and gave it to the nobles. The nobles threatened to rebel if the King did not share his power. Since the creation of the document, power in England has been shared more equally with all people as it should.
Governments should treat people fairly.
What is the difference between informative and explanatory writing?
Inform: To give information without any bias Explain: To give information in a way that explains
What is the the purpose of the chapter "My Name"?
The purpose is to entertain the reader with the story of how her grandmother became married.
Why is Darius wise?
He is able to make complicated things simple.
Jaime and his brother went hiking one Saturday afternoon. Jaime packed a bag with water, snacks, and a pocketknife. Jaime's brother made fun of him for packing so much for a short hike. During their hike, Jaime and his brother took a wrong turn and got very lost. They had to spend the night in the forest. Without Jaime's snacks and water, they would have been starving and dehydrated.
Always be prepared.
What are examples of entertaining writing?
Comic, funny stories
How do Rachel, Esperanza and Lucy become friends?
They buy a bike together and share it.
What is the purpose of "And Some More"?
The purpose of "And Some More" is to entertain the reader with the girls jokes.
What does mama's hair smell like?
Mama's hair smells like bread.
What is the theme of this passage? Livia Bitton-Jackson survived the Holocaust along with her mother and her brother. The rest of her family was killed in concentration camps. Instead of seeking revenge against those who hurt her, Livia chose to forgive and rebuild her life.
It's better to forgive than live with anger.
What is the author's purpose? Student athletes should be allowed to count their sports as gym classes. Student athletes spend a lot of time practicing at games. They should be allowed to use their gym period as a study hall to complete their homework for other classes.
The purpose of this is to persuade the reader.
What is the purpose of the chapter "Meme Ortiz"?
The purpose is to explain the way Meme's house was built. The purpose was the entertain the reader with the story of Meme and the First Annual Tarzan Jumping Contest.
What is the theme of "The Family of Little Feet"?
The theme of "The Family of Little Feet" is to not grow up too quickly.
How does Esperanza say her and Nene are similar?
Their laughter is the same and sometimes they think the same. For example, when they both thought the house looked like Mexico.