How many endorsement options do we offer at SANTO?
Career assessment with right and wrong answers
Career Ability Placement Survey
The act of offering services without the expectation of payment
Term used to refer to the way individuals manage their time and energy between career activities and home activities
Work-Life Balance
How many credits are in the Foundation Graduation Program
How many endorsement options are offered ACROSS TEXAS?
Career testing tool created by John Holland and first published in 1970
Self-Directed Search
A program in which students learn about an occupation by following a professional throughout the work day
Term used to refer to the demand and availability of an occupation
Job Outlook
How many total credits would a student have to complete if they wanted to earn the Distinguished Level of Achievement?
What endorsement plan would a potential career in engineering fall under?
Career assessment designed to measure personality by identifying how an individual perceives situations and makes decisions
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Temporary form of employment with an emphasis on supervised on-the-job training
Term that should be considered when choosing a career path
Interests and Skills
How many end-of course exams are there under the revisions made by House Bill 5?
What endorsement plan would a potential career in marketing fall under?
Business and Industry
Who should you consult with results from career tests?
A counselor
Allows for career exploration while earning work experience and money
Part-Time Job
Term indicating what careers would be enjoyable
How many credits of Science is a student required to take in the Foundation Graduation Program?
What endorsement plan would a potential career in government/politics fall under?
Arts and Humanities
What does SIGI3 stand for?
System of Integrated Guidance and Information, third generation
What are three tips to consider while investigating careers?
Be . . .
enthusiastic, open-minded, purposeful
Let's say you decided you would like to be physically active at work rather than working in an office building at a computer. Which factor does this decision reflect?
Work Environment
How many credits must students complete in Fine Arts to meet the Foundation Graduation Plan?