True or False
Teachers @ CQA!
This is a place where you go after high school so you can gain increased education.
What is College?
Watching television instead of studying is how every student will pass exams.
What is False? *Nope, nope and absolutely nope. You can only pass by studying.
This is part of your professional life. You will more than likely go to college so you could develop this further.
What is a Career?
What you’re learning has a major impact on the world. You can’t do many things without the help of an awesome teacher who talks lots about Gases, Biology or Kinetic Energy.
Who is Ms. Matterese?- 7th grade Who is Ms. Kotagal? -6th grade Who is Ms. Parascandolo? - 5th grade
Olivia forgot this at home. Without it, she cannot write down how many books she’s read and when she read them.
What is a Reading Log?
There are some hard exams you have to take to get into college. This famous one has three letters. Colleges use these exams to predict how you will perform at their school.
What is the Scholastic Aptitude Test or the SATs?
You need to have a plan B and find resources that can help if an obstacle gets in the way of your original plan.
What is True? *You should always have a plan B. Obstacles should not deter you from your plan or goals.
Part of joining the working world means that you’ll have to make sure that you are doing your job well. Whatever you want to be, you’ll have to figure out how to manage your time so you can accomplish tasks in a specific amount of time. This is called meeting your [blank].
What is Deadline?
Knowing the political story of the world is considered an important part of predicting social futures. This amazing teacher works their brain off to teach you world events and how to study them.
Who is Ms. Kim? -7th grade Who is Ms. Tucker? -6th grade Who is Mr. David? -5th grade
In one class, Kahlisee set these 2 things up for herself. One thing consisted of a list stating the number of pages she wants to read in the next few days. The other thing lists what she wants to read over the next to years 2 years. Hint: goals is in the answer.
What are short-term and long term goals?
Class starts on time. If you study all night, watch television, and go to bed late, you’ll be late to class and possibly unprepared. You should have fun sometimes but there is a time and a place for it. You will need to have this skill in order to manage yourself better.
What are Time Management Skills?
Both in college and at CQA if you are absent, or get pulled out of class, then you don’t have to make up the work immediately. You can wait until your teacher or professor tells you when it’s time to do so.
What is False? *It is YOUR responsibility to collect all missing work and/or talk to your teacher.
When you’re at your job and your boss gives you a long list of things to do, you’ll need to do this thing, just like you do at school, so you can keep track of the information you’re collecting.
What is Taking Notes?
These amazing teachers make it possible for students to be prepared to express themselves in detailed ways. Like literary warriors, they work their spectacular magic to get students to comprehend the world and text around them. I mean, after all, isn’t reading and writing part of living?
Who are Ms. Caroll & Ms. Zipkin? -7th grade Who are Ms. Tan & Ms. Greisser? -6th grade Who are Ms. Arcineigas & Mrs. Walton? -5th grade
Jinpar struggles with writing. He needs to have a plan in order to pass his upcoming ELA exam. He knows what to study but still struggles with grammar. If he communicates this and spends some extra time with his teacher, then he’s doing this important thing to speak up for his needs.
What is Self-Advocacy?
Although sometimes people decide to not go to a traditional school, there are a number of other schools are available. One of these schools is a college for car mechanics., another is a college for cosmetology (beauty). These schools have specific names.
What are Vocational Schools or Technical Schools? *Vocational schools are specialized schools where people can get training on a specific career. It can be an alternative to traditional colleges.
You can get a scholarship for almost everything: for being left-handed, for creating an outfit out of duct tape and even making animal noises that get animals to respond (ie: cow noises that get stubborn cows to move off of the road).
What is True? *These special scholarships can be found with research on sites like:
If you’re not able to communicate at your job, then you risk failing a project, just like in school. If you see someone needs some help with their part of the project, you should do this after you’ve completed your own work.
What is "Try to help your partner"?
Numbers can make your life easy or complicated. This fabulous teacher makes it so that you can develop a better relationship with numbers (and so you can count your allowance money!).
Who is Ms. Gangi? -7th grade Who is Ms. Macio? -6th grade Who is Ms. Geeng? -5th grade
The complex portion of a story where the character goes through many changes can help the reader develop empathy, and even find a way to better connect to the story.
What is Character Development?
College, while expensive, is an opportunity that can be reached with just a little help. There are many different awards that you can get based on good grades, a sports talent, or because you need a little financial help to go to school.
What are Scholarships or Grants? *Scholarships and grants are free money that you don't have to pay back. Loans, however, are monies you have to pay back.
Last year, Black, Latino, Asian and South Asian college students at UCLA got together to talk about discrimination. Each created a video showcasing how they felt it affected their campus. The videos became tools for empowerment. They were so popular, that YouTube bumped Demi Levato’s video from the #1 spot. The students garnered 17 Million total views.
What is True?
In the United States, this profession requires 8 years of schooling AFTER high school. Sometimes, even after that 3-8 more years of learning are needed.
What is a Doctor? *Doctors have to go to 4 years of college, take a special exam (MCATs), go to 4 years of Medical School, and 3-8 more years of a residency or education for specialized training.
The people in charge of running your schools.
Who are Mr. Kapadia/Mr. Liebeck/Ms. McGuiness/Ms. Martell?
Which famous book author said: "The more you read, the more things you'll know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go!"
Who is Dr. Seuss?