"To infinity, and beyond!"
Toy Story
"Okay bud"
Parker Ford
Which President once said, "Cause you'd be in jail"
Donald Trump
How many books are in the Bible?
Double points if you know how many are in the OT and NT
39 in OT
27 in NT
Who thought that phalanges started with an "F"
Benjamin Cook
How old is Isaac
What team did Kobe Bryant play for?
Where was our last summer camp held?
Quaker Meadow or Sequoia Meadow
Name all the leaders
Isaac, Hope, Bear, Araceli and Serena
"The cold never bothered me anyway"
"Well... come"
Who served the longest as president?
Double points if you know how many years
Franklin D Roosevelt
12 years
What was the name of the Apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot?
Who physically got injured sledding at winter camp last year?
Serena Keeler
When is Isaacs birthday?
June 14th 1997
What does NFL stand for
National Football League
What was the camp name of our combined summer camp with West Grove?
What's Bears real name?
"Im trying to earn money for college."
"Your mom goes to college"
Napoleon Dynamite
"I just want to punch a fat kid"
Serena Keeler
Who was the 40th president?
Ronald Reagan
Who is the oldest person to live in the Bible?
Double points if you know how old they were
Methuselah and 969
Who broke a tree branch trying to get a ball?
Benjamin Cook
What is Hopes maiden name?
What are the 3 most played sports in America
Football, Baseball, and Basketball
Where did we go when we got snowed out of one of our camps?
Which leaders did not go to bible college
Isaac, Serena and Bear
"My friends, you bow to no one"
Lord of the Rings
Hank Rygalski
Which vice presidents eventually got elected as president?
There are 6 so give me 3
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, George H. W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Joe Biden
How many "I AM" statements are in John
Who has lost the most points for their team in one camp?
Double points if you know the amount
Ezra Ramirez
1,600 points lost
How old was Isaac when he first dunked a basketball
Which Sport is the most popular globally?
Soccer (Football)
What item made most people throw up in jail during bible smugglers this summer camp at Sequoia Meadow?
How long has Isaac and Hope been married?
How long has Bear and Araceli been married? Double points if you get both
4 and a half years
almost 3 months
Peanut butter fills the cracks in the heart
Paul Bart Mall Cop
"I can't come to that event cause I have..."
Sienna Sedillos
Which presidents died in office? There are 8 just give me 4
William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, Wiliam Mckinley, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy
What's the name of Moses' wife?
Who threw up in the back of Joels car on their first youth camp
Jonathan Cook
What color are Isaacs eyes
Hazel (half points for blue or green)
What sport did Isaac play in High School besides Basketball
Who is the best camp rapper?
Grant Higgins
Which leader has gotten fired the most?
Double points if you know how many times
2 times