5th grade is attached to what other grade levels in the standards?
How many categories of anchor standards are there?
How many categories of standards are there for 5th grade?
How many categories of standards are there for 6-8 grade?
True or False: There are 5th grade History, Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Standards
9th grade is attacched to what other grade level(s) in the standards?
What are the categories of the anchor ELA standards?
Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening; and Language
What is the category of standards that 5th grade has that 6-8th grade don't?
Reading- Foundational
What are the categories of the 6-8 grade ELA standards
Reading- Literary, Reading- Information, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Language
What 3 categories do the Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects fall under?
History/Social Studies; Science/Technical Subjects, and Writing
Describe the relationship between the anchor standards and the grade-level standards.
Each grade level has a standard that connects to one of the anchor standards.
How many total anchor standards are there?
What are the categories of k-5 ELA standards?
Reading- Foundational, Reading- Literary, Reading- Information, Writing, Speaking & Listening, and Language
True or False: The same types of writing are required in the 5th grade ELA standards as the 6-8 grade writing standards?
False-- Instead of argumentative, 5th grade lists opinion writing.
True or False: There are separate writing standards for History/Social Studies and Science/Technical Subjects?
Key Ideas & Details, Craft & Structure, Integration of Knowledge & Ideas, and Range of Reading & Level of Complexity are headings under which categories across the CCSS Literary Standards?
Reading- Literary, Reading- Information, History and Social Studies, and Science & Technical Subjects
Comprehension & Collaboration and Presentation of Knowledge & Ideas are the main headings under which category of anchor standards?
Speaking & Listening
Phonics & Word Recognition and Fluency are the headings under which category of 5th grade standards?
Reading- Foundational
What 3 specific types of writing are mentioned in the 6-8 grade Writing Standards?
Argument, Informative/Explanatory, and Narrative
What types of writing are included in the Literacy standards for History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects
Arguments and Informative/Explanatory
What are the 4 headings that can be found across the k-5, 6-8, and History/Social Studies, and Science/Technical Subjects Writing Standards?
Text Types & Purposes; Production & Distribution of Writing; Research to Build & present Knowledge; and Range of Writing
What is the purpose of the anchor standards?
They define the broad skills and understandings that all students must demonstrate.
In which category of standards does 5th grade have the most sub-standards?
Language (15)
True or False: The amount of informational reading required on standardized texts compared to literary reading increases as students advance in grades.
True or False: There are no vocabulary standards under the Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects standards.