Brot, pain, pan & pane all mean what?
Name the second biggest cities of both France & Japan (100 points for each).
France: Marseille; Japan: Yokohama.
What is the capital of Portugal?
What is the body of water called between Tasmania and the Australian mainland?
Bass Strait.
What was the first full-length Disney movie?
Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs.
Which of the following French words is the odd one out:-? de l'eau, du lait, du beurre or du thé?
Du beurre (the others are drinks).
What is the name of the mountain chain that forms the border between France & Spain?
The Pyrenees.
What is the capital of India?
New Delhi.
Which is the furthest north:- Perth, Sydney or Auckland?
What is the name of Kristoff's reindeer?
What is sake ?
Japanese rice wine.
Approximately how many of Japan's over 14,000 islands are inhabited? a. 160; b. 260; c. 360; d.460?
b. 260 (approx)
Port Vila is the capital of which country?
Which Australian state or territory shares the most borders with other states or territories?
South Australia (5).
What is the name of the boy in The Jungle Book?
What does "brut" mean on a wine label.
What are the highest mountains of both Japan and France? (200 points each)
Japan: Mt Fuji; France: Mont Blanc.
What is the capital of Finland?
What body of water separates New Zealand's North and South Islands?
Cook Strait
Who wrote the title song to The Lion King?
Elton John.
In French cuisine, what is "Ratatouille" ?
Vegetable casserole/stew.
The distance between Paris & Tokyo (by air) is approximately:- a. 7,700kms; b. 8,700kms; c. 9,700kms; d. 10,700kms.
c. approx 9,700kms
What is the capital of Papua New Guinea?
Port Morseby.
The Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa. What does that literally mean in English?
The Land of the Long White Cloud.
What is the name of Moana's father?