Continued conflict over Irish border negotiations is threatening to topple the government of this Prime Minister and stall a deal with the European Union
Who is Theresa May
This celebrity couple ended their engagement this past week, with him getting his $93,000 ring back and her keeping their pet pig, Piggy Smallz
Who are Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson
These cookies claim to be Chinese, but were actually invented in San Francisco. They're probably lying about your future too.
Fortune Cookies
It was announced last Friday that an ownership group led by local investors and the owner of this NFL team is in negotiations to purchase the Columbus Crew and keep them in Columbus #SavedTheCrew
What is the Cleveland Browns
This Senator released results of a DNA test this week to prove she had Native American ancestry in an effort to rebuff President Trump
Who is Elizabeth Warren
This team qualified for the World Cup on Sunday, a competition they have won a record three times
What is the USWNT
This type of roast beef sandwich is from California, not France. Don't be a dip.
French Dip
Former President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Twitter yesterday that through hard work and Allah’s blessing, that this University’s football program could return to its former glory
What is the University of Michigan
This European football club is distancing itself from former players Ronaldinho and Rivaldo due to their support of Brazilian right-wing presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro
What is Barcelona
That mayo and ketchup-based condiment on your Reuben is supposedly from New Hampshire, but it could be a Soviet plant.
Russian Dressing
The Speaker of this nation’s parliament has announced he will step down by next summer amid reports that he was abusive and bullied staff members
What is the United Kingdom
The puppeteer of these two Sesame Street characters announced he was retiring today after portraying them for nearly 50 years
Who are Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch
This popular cheese dip found at some Mexican restaurants and most supermarkets originally began as nothing more than a slab of melted velveeta.
This nation in the Southern Hemisphere has voted for the kereru as its Bird of the Year due to its love for fermented fruit and has nicknamed it the tipsy pigeon
What is New Zealand
This university’s marching band performed the Jurassic Park theme this weekend and had 60 people in T-Rex costumes come onto the field and do a clumsy dance routine
What is Iowa State
Served in many Italian restaurants, this special treat has have inspired countless memes and a cryptocurrency, but has its roots in post-WWII America. Repels vampires.
Garlic Bread