Who were the 2 most famous monarch's of the Tudor dynasty in England?
Henry VIII and Elizabeth I
What was the name of the plague, also known as the Black Death, that killed nearly 50% of Europe's population in the 14th century?
The Bubonic Plague
Which king of England separated the church of England from the Catholic church?
Henry VIII
What was the name of the land granted by a noble authority to their vassals in exchange for military service and loyalty?
A Fief
What was the name of the collection of German kingdoms that were ruled by an elected emperor beginning with Charlemagne in AD 800?
The Holy Roman Empire
This king of England, the brother of Richard the Lionheart, was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215, limiting the power of the monarchy.
King John
During which British monarch's Reign did Shakespeare begin writing plays?
Elizabeth I
Which Roman general attempted to invade Britain in 55 BC?
Julius Caesar
What was the name of the system in which noble (dukes, barons, knights,) offered protection and land in exchange for service?
Who were the people groups from Scandinavia who raided and settled regions from Russia to Canada between 800 and 1100 AD?
The Vikings
Which house came first in the British Monarchy: Stewart, Tudor, Plantagenet, or Norman?
Which British monarch ruled during the American Revolution?
King George III
Who were the early Germanic people groups that invaded England, from which the country got its name?
The Angles and the Saxons
What was the name of the representative council (first step to democracy) that advised and limited the kings power in England beginning in the 13th century?
Who was the Norman king that conquered England in AD 1066 in what is commonly referred to as the Norman Conquest?
William the Conqueror
Who settled in Northern France, giving it the name Normandy?
The Vikings
Who invented the movable type printing press in Germany in 1439?
Johann Gutenberg
Under which British monarch did England reach the height of it's power in the late 1800's?
Queen Victoria
Which branch of Christianity, under the authority of the pop in Rome, dominated religious and political life throughout the middle ages in Europe?
The Roman Catholic Church
What was the name of the era at the end of the Medieval Period in Europe known as the "rebirth" for it's focus on a return to the learning of classical Greece and Rome?
The Renaissance
During which house of the British Monarchy did the Black Death occur?
The Plantagenets
Who started the Protestant Reformation in Germany in 1517, in an effort to return the Catholic church to the authority of the Bible?
Martin Luther
What 2 major European wars did Shakespeare cover in his historical plays (Richard II, Henry IV-VI, and Richard III)
The War of the Roses and the Hundred Years War
What was the name given to the time period in Europe from the fall of Rome in about AD 500 to the beginning of the rebirth of classical learning in about AD 1500 by Italian scholars?
The Dark Ages
What conflict between Muslims and Christians over the Holy Land led to a unification of European identity and a desire for Europeans to find alternate trade routes to Asia around the Middle East?
The Crusades