General CDC Information
Professional Development
The first floor of the Project Center
Where is the CDC located?
This is an event to learn how to navigate the new Handshake system to find jobs which has replaced Jobfinder.
What is a handshake lab
These types of shoes should not be worn to an interview
What are Sandals, flip flops, sneakers, any unprofessional footwear?
A 30 second persuasive sales pitch.
What is an Elevator pitch?
The biggest event the CDC puts on
What is the career fair?
These are three things you can do with your handshake account
What is Find jobs, research companies, find upcoming event and info sessions, look at CDC resources, use Goinglobal Careershift and my plan, etc.
This is the definition of a cover letter
What is an introduction, a sales pitch, and a proposal for further action all in one. Cover letters should not summarize your resume, but should highlight the aspects of your background that are most relevant to the reader. A cover letter also demonstrates that you can organize your thoughts and express yourself clearly and appropriately—it reflects your communication skills and, to some extent, your personality.
This is an opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees, to work at a firm for a fixed, limited period of time
What is an internship?
These 2 examples of topics that the Career Development Center can help you with
What is resume writing, cover letter, job search, job offer, negotiation, grad school search, interviewing, mock interviews, deciding on majors
This is where you can find career fair contacts
What is the resources section
This a 30-minute conversation with professionals about their careers and what they do in their job. It is about networking and gathering information about a particular industry or occupation—it is not about asking for a job.
What is an informational interview?
This is a tip sheet the CDC has that is a list of things you should do based on your year
What is a career plan?
What time are walk-in hours?
This is where you look to find companies coming to the career fair
What is the fairs tab on the left hand side
This is the time frame in which a thank you letter should be sent
What is 24 - 48 hours?
This is the expansion of CV
What is Curriculum Vitae?
Two people who work in the Career Development center.
Who is; Steve Koppi – Executive director David Ortendahl – Director of corporate engagement Maggie Becker – Director of career services and professional practice Amanda Dionne – Assistant director of co-op and career services Bailey Rand – Assistant director of employer relations Cathy Tomaso – Senior recruiting coordinator Allyson Bernard – Senior recruiting coordinator Heidi Morton – Career Counselor Eileen Gallant – Administrative assistant
This is how you find past workshop presentations
What is in the calendar at the top of the screen, click on the event,on the left hand side?
This strategy should be used by interviewees for answering behavioral interview questions?
What is STAR Technique: Situation, Task, Action, Result
This is a non-credit, paid work experience for undergraduate students that is not taken for academic credit where you work at a company for 4-8 months, including part of the academic year.
What is a co-op