To + inf or ing ?
Verbs usually followed by . . . ?
Same meaning
Would rather/had better/it’s time
Which one is correct ? a) I promise not to tell anyone. b) I promise not telling anyone. c) Both
a) I promise not to tell anyone.
decide a) to + inf b) - ing c) Both
a) to + inf.

The match starts at three so we really should leave now.  LEFT 

It’s ___________ as the match starts at three

It's time we left as the match starts at three


They’re not very active, for example they’d much rather _______ (go) shopping than play sport.

They’re not very active, for example they’d much rather go shopping than play sport.


I don’t feel very confident so I’d rather not _______ (enter) the competition if that’s OK. 

I don’t feel very confident so I’d rather not enter the competition if that’s OK.

Which one is correct ? a) I'm really looking forward to seeing you at the weekend. b) I'm really looking forward to see you at the weekend. c) Both
a) I'm really looking forward to seeing you at the weekend.
suggest a) to + inf b) - ing c) Both
b) - ing

I prefer playing sports to watching them on TV.    RATHER 

I ________________ watch them on TV.

I would rather play sports than watch them on TV.


Start putting the equipment away please, it’s time _______ (finish) the game now.

Start putting the equipment away please, it’s time to finish the game now.


The team’s trying improving /to improve its performance by having an extra training session a week.

The team’s trying to improve its performance by having an extra training session a week

Which one is correct ? a) I forgot to meet him. b) I forgot meeting him. c) Both
c) Both change in meaning: a) I didn't meet him because I forgot to do it. b) I don't have the memory of meeting him before.
start a) to + inf b) - ing c) Both
c) Both

You ought to wear a cycling helmet.  BETTER  

You ___________a cycling helmet

You had better wear a cycling helmet


It’s very cold, you’d better ________ (wear) something warm.

It’s very cold, you’d better wear something warm.



Are you looking forward to _________ your first baseball game?


Which one is correct ? a) I must remember to call Dad on his birthday. b) I must remember calling Dad on his birthday. c) Both
a) I must remember to call Dad on his birthday.
want a) to + inf b) - ing c) Both
a) to + inf.

Jack wished he hadn’t missed the training session last week. REGRETTED  

Jack _________________ last week.

Jack regretted missing the training session last week.


This class is too easy for you, it’s time you _______ (move) up to the next level.

This class is too easy for you, it’s time you moved up to the next level.


He’s been playing video games for hours. It’s time he ______________ . (do/something else)

He’s been playing video games for hours. It’s time he did something else.

Which one is correct ? a) He went on learning English and French. b) He went on to learn English and French. c) Both
c) Both change in meaning: a) He continued learning the languages. b) He ended one period of time before this.
continue a) to + inf b) - ing c) Both
c) Both

Sarah hasn’t played for the team for weeks.  STOPPED 

Sarah _________________ weeks ago

Sarah stopped playing for the team weeks ago


The school would rather students __________ (not bring) electronic games into school.

The school would rather students didn't bring electronic games into school.


It’s necessary to bring a drink and a snack.   FORGET 

You ______________ a drink and a snack

You mustn't/shouldn't forget to bring a drink and a snack