Hearing Aids
Assistive Devices
Cochlear Implants

What are the 5 styles of hearing Aids
What is behind-the-ear (BTE) in the ear (ITE) in-the-canal (ITC) completely-in-the-canal (CIC) bone-anchored-hearing-aid (BAHA)
3 Red Flags that hearing aid is not working
What is Not paying attention Keeps asking “huh?” or “what?” Decreased progress in therapy Changes in behavior noted Does not want to wear hearing aid
The 5 categories of assistive listening devices
What is FM, Infrared, Electromagnetic Loop, Hardwired System, and Bluetooth
The signal is picked up by the microphone and sent to the
What is the speech processor
What degree of loss will a BTE aid fit
What is mild to profound
Output of a hearing aid is
What is acoustic
7 items in a trouble shooting kit
What is Stethoset Battery tester Extra batteries Dollar bill Brush, wire loop Earmold tubing blower Otoferm Dri-Aid Kit
Assistive listening devices improve the following
What is the signal-to-noise ratio
A cochlear implant stimulates?
What is the auditory nerve
Range of hearing loss and ITC will fit
What is mild-moderate
This happens when sound escapes from the receiver and cycles back to the microphone
What is feedback
During a listening check, you are listening for the following
What is Distortion Crackling Intermittence Weak Clarity Feedback Buzzing
To pick sounds from an induction loop system, the hearing aid must be on what program
What is telecoil/t-coil
What is the difference between the frequencies that a hearing aid can stimulate versus a cochlear implant
What is hearing aid: 250 Hz-4000 Hz cochlear implant: 250 Hz- 7000 Hz
2 types of bone conduction hearing aids
What is non-implanted (headband) implanted
Changes the acoustic signal and converts it to an electrical signal
What is the microphone
3 causes of an intermittent hearing aid
What is Dirty battery contacts? Dirty controls? Wax in receiver? Is battery door closed completely
The teacher will wear this component and the student this component
What is transmitter and receiver
How long should hearing aids be worn with little or no benefit to prove candidacy?
What is 3-6 months
Advantages of a BTE hearing aid
What is Typically least expensive Most durable have low repair rates. Can get more gadgets on it. Can use an FM System. Most power out of the hearing aid. Less likely to have feedback. Squealing that happens when sound leaves the receiver and cycles back through to the microphone. Increasing the distance will decrease the likelihood of feedback. In a BTE the microphone and receiver are fairly far apart.
7 areas that audiologists review in order to determine if an individual is a good candidate for a hearing aid?
What is 1. degree of hearing loss 2. Configuration of hearing loss 3. Type of hearing loss 4. Speech perception abilities 5. Age of onset of hearing loss 6. Was onset sudden or gradual 7. Patients lifestyle
4 causes of a "dead" hearing aid
What is Dead battery? Battery inserted properly? Obstruction (ie wax) in earmold, tubing, or receiver? Is hearing aid set on T-coil or FM instead of microphone? Is the volume control turned up? Dirty battery contacts? Dirty controls
What are 5 communication tips
What is Face-to-face communication Maximal lighting conditions Don’t yell Be patient Don’t be afraid to write
6 members of the cochlear implant team
What is Otolaryngologist Audiologist Speech-language-pathologist Psychologist Social worker Counselor
Name the 6 ling sounds and why these sounds are used
What is /oo/, /ah/, /ee/, /sh/, /s/, /m/ These phonemes span the entire speech frequency range