What is the definition of unscrupulous?
Without moral principles; not honest or fair.
Make a sentence with exalt.
Ex: The cumulative effect of its repetition is at once mesmerising and exalted, and the mood it creates can legitimately be described as religious or liturgical.(from Cambridge Dictionary)
What is the root of exalt and what is it's definition?
exaltare; to raise high
give two derivatives for transform.
Ex:transformation, transformative
Give the antonym of optimist.
What is the definition of allegiance?
loyalty and support for a ruler, country, group, or belief
Make a sentence with atrocity
Ex:These people are guilty of acts of appalling atrocity.
What is the root of responsive and what is it's definition?
respondere; to answer
give two derivatives for pantomime.
pantomimist; pantomimic
What is the definition for far-fetched
very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe
What is the definition of precaution?
an action that is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening
Make a sentence with allegiance.
Ex: Their middle-class voters switched allegiance to special-interest groups and to the increasingly vocal nationalist right.
What is the root of fluent and what is it's definition?
flu; flow
give two derivatives for pessimist.
pessimistic; pessimism
make a sentence with commemorate
Ex: Changes to names could indicate religious loyalties, desires to commemorate deceased family members and long-term transformations in self perceptions of families.(from Cambridge Dictionary)
What is the definition of disquiet?
(n.)feelings of sorry and unhappiness about sth
(v.)make sb feel anxious
Make a sentence with pantomime.
Ex: Actresses of films, opera, music halls, the theatre, radio, carnivals, circuses, pantomimes, and lewd exhibitions mourned in the front line.
What is the root of replica and what is it's definition?
replicare; to fold back, repeat
give two derivatives for retaliate.
retaliation; retaliatory
give two derivatives for optimist.
optimistic; optimism
What is the definition of pantomime?
(n.)a performance without speech
(v.)to act or tell without speech
Make a sentence with amalgamate
Ex: But this time the two discourses amalgamated into one and established the public image of the battle as the most atrocious encounter in military history.
What is the root of chasten and what is it's definition?
castigue; to correct or punish
give a derivative for amalgamate.
What is the root of deter and what is it's definition?
terr; frighten