This policy, proposed by President McKinley, asked countries to maintain open trading privileges in China.
What is the Open Door Policy?
This well-known muckraker photographed the bad living conditions of the working class in New York tenements.
Who was Jacob Riis?
People began purchasing goods for pleasure, not just for necessity.
What was consumerism?
What were forms of escapism?
Radio, movie, literature, photography, journalism.
Which Battle was the turning point in WWII that shifted favors to the Allies?
Which Latin American country got independence as a result of the Spanish-American War?
This U.S. President passed the Pure Food and Drug Act as well as the Meat Inspection Act.
Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
What is one event that provoked U.S. entry in WWI?
Germany sinking the Lusitania; Interception of the Zimmerman telegram
What did Eleanor Roosevelt do at Hoovervilles?
Sang songs, made the people there feel like the government cared
What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact do and was it successful?
outlawed war; no, it was not enforced
What did the U.S. buy in Seward’s Folly, and what was eventually discovered in the acquired land?
Alaska, Gold
What did both the 18th and 19th amendments do?
18th - forbade manufacture and sale of alcohol
19th - gave women suffrage
Overall, what did the Espionage and Sedition Acts do?
They made it a crime to oppose war, interfere with draft, or even say anything against the war effort.
How did the weak banking system lead to the Great Depression?
Loaned of a ton of money on credit
This government agency made sure the US had a steady production of war supplies?
What was the War Production Board?
Who said closing the frontier is dangerous?
Frederick Jackson Turner
This act broke up bad monopolies.
What was the Sherman Antitrust Act?
This act completely restricted immigration from East Asia.
What was the National Origins Act?
This New Deal act withheld workers’ money and gave it to them after retirement.
What was the Social Security Act?
Who was the Munich Conference between?
Germany + France + Britain
What did Alfred Thayer Mahan believe?
All strong countries have a great navy
This constitutional amendment made senators directly elected by the people instead of by state legislatures.
What is the 17th amendment?
During conferences for the Treaty of Versailles, who proposed a plan that included freedom of the seas, self-determination for nations, and the creation of a league of nations?
Woodrow Wilson
What did the federal deposit insurance corporation (FDIC) do?
It guaranteed people’s bank deposits with government money
What was one thing included in the Atlantic Charter?
free trade, collective security, no territorial expansion,