Who said "Is it not written, 'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations' But you have made it a cave of robbers."
What day did Jesus arrive in Jerusalem on a donkey and colt?
Sunrise Nisan 9
What prophecy was fulfilled when Jesus asked for a donkey and colt to arrive in Jerusalem?
Zechariah (I'll take Isaiah too)
To unintentionally prepare him for burial
What lesson did Jesus teach his disciples about causing the fig tree to wither?
The object lesson is to have faith in Jehovah. If we have faith in Jehovah we can move mountains.
Who said "I have glorified it and will glorify it again."
What day did Jesus and his disciples first arrive at Bethany to Simon's house?
Sunset Nisan 8
What prophecy was fulfilled when the people were still not putting faith in Jesus even though he had performed many signs?
Why did Jesus turn over tables in the temple of Jerusalem?
Because people were buying and selling things there
What was the lesson with the widow and the two small coins?
Jehovah appreciates what we do, do our best in Jehovah's service, don't hold back from giving to Jehovah even if it's small
Who said “Rabbi, see! The fig tree that you cursed has withered.”
What day did Jesus cleanse the temple and wither the fig tree?
Sunrise Nisan 10
What happened in Jesus' illustration with the slaves, the vineyard owner, the son, and the cultivators?
The landowner is Jehovah, the vineyard is the nation of Israel fenced in by God's law. The slaves are the prophets that Jehovah sends to help people produce good fruit. The cultivators are the religious leaders and they killed the slaves and the landowner's son (Jesus). Jesus foreshadowed his death.
Why did Jesus wither the fig tree?
Because it was deceptive in bearing fruit
What was the lesson with the boys in the temple who were praising Jesus' name
The chief priest were angry that the children were recognizing that Jesus was the Messiah. The lesson as that children can participate in worship too.
Who said “Why was this perfumed oil not sold for 300 denarii and given to the poor?”
Judas Iscariot
What day did Mary pour costly perfume on Jesus?
Sunset Nisan 9
What did Jesus prophesize about what will happen to the city of Jerusalem due to their disobedience?
Jerusalem will be destroyed by the Roman Empire
Why did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus?(hint: what did they offer him)
The chief priest offered him 30 silver pieces
What was the lesson with the law in paying taxes?
The chief priests were trying to put Jesus to the test. Jesus knew this and didn’t choose to give in. He gave the perfect answer “Pay Caesar’s things to Caesar and God’s things to God”
Who said “By what authority do you do these things? Or who gave you this authority to do these things?”
Chief priest, elders of the people
What day does Judas arrange Jesus' betrayal?
Sunrise Nisan 12
What happened in Jesus' Illustration with the grain of wheat falling to the ground and dying?
If one grain of wheat is put into soil, it can germinate and grow into a productive stalk with many grains. Just like how Jesus is one perfect man who will die and provide the opportunity of everlasting life for many.
Why did Jesus want to spend the day quietly with his disciples?
The religious leaders were trying to kill him because Jesus exposed them publicly, he wanted to celebrate the Passover with his apostles
What was the lesson with the Sadducees who say there is no resurrection?
The Sadducees didn’t believe anything that Jesus said about the resurrection, but they did believe in their teacher moses. So Jesus quotes Moses saying that Jehovah is the god of the living and not the dead. Meaning that there will be a resurrection again.