The downward entry of water into the soil.
What is infiltration?
This type of forest, dominated by spruce and firs, can tolerate the temperatures and conditions of North Carolina's highest slopes.
What is a boreal forest?
Unlike heterotrophs, these organisms that can use the sun’s energy to produce food by photosynthesis.
What are autotrophs?
The direct relationship of what is eaten by what. This shows the flow of energy from one organism to the next as each organism eats and is then eaten by another.
What is the food chain?
Total miles of streams and rivers in the Chowan River Basin
What is 791?
The excess precipitation over evaporation that runs over the land into streams, lakes, wetlands, and reservoirs and is the main source of surface water.
What is run-off?
This will typically make temperatures about 15 degrees cooler.
What is the shade of a tree?
These organisms eat dead and decaying plant or animal matter including excrement.
What are detritivores?
The role or position an organism has in its environment. It includes all interactions with both living and non-living parts of the ecosystem.
What is niche?
These two rivers meet near the North Carolina and Virginia border to form the Chowan River.
What are the Blackwater and the Nottoway?
An underground formation that contains water; porous, water saturated layers of sand, gravel, or rock through which groundwater flows. Surrounded by an impervious layer below and above.
What is an aquifer?
The amount of this substance a tree takes in and uses is becoming increasingly important, because the amount of this substance in the air continues to increase as we burn more and more fossil fuels.
What is carbon dioxide?
A special group of decomposers capable of breaking down large organic molecules into molecules small enough to be absorbed by plant roots.
What are transformers?
A diagram that shows how energy is lost from one level of the food chain to the next.
What is the energy pyramid?
The length and direction of flow of the Chowan River.
What are 50 miles and southeast?
The characteristic of water that allows a “skin” to form over its surface strong enough to support small objects including living organisms, such as water striders.
What is surface tension?
The demand for this has doubled between 1950 and 2000 and is expected to grow at a rate of about 4% per year.
What are paper products?
This makes up 78 percent of the earth's atmosphere.
What is nitrogen?
Plants, such as red clover and peas, which have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in growths called nodules on their roots. They are able to take nitrogen from the atmosphere and add it to the soil where plants can use the nitrogen.
What are legumes?
The Chowan River empties into this body of water.
What is the Albemarle Sound?
Water is most dense at this temperature.
What is 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees Farenheit).
This occurs in areas where there is no life present. Examples of such areas include cooled lava fields and bare rock. It generally happens in a set sequence with little variation from ecosystem to ecosystem and takes place over hundreds of years.
What is primary succession?
Parent material, climate, relief or topography, biota and time or exposure.
What are the soil forming factors?
Adaptations in some species to resemble another species. This may provide protection from predators or other advantages.
What is mimicry?
The size of the Chowan Swamp and the four major species of trees.
What are 11,000 acres and swamp tupelo, red maple, water tupelo and bald cypress?