What Sacrament do we have to receive before receiving the Eucharist?
What is the act of contrition?
A prayer of saying sorry to God
What is the first sin called?
Original sin
What is the sign that we do to show that we belong to God?
The sign of the cross
who committed the first sin?
Adam and Eve
Why did we receive Baptism?
To get rid of our original sin.
How do we ask God for forgiveness?
By going to reconciliation.
What do we call a serious sin?
Mortal sin
What is Grace?
Grace is a sharing in God’s own life
What is the sign that we do before communion?
The sign of peace
During Baptism, what is the special name we are given?
How do we prepare for Reconciliation?
By reflecting and feeling sorry for our sins.
What do we call a less serious sin?
Venial sin
What are the Sacraments of Initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation
2 - Old and new testament
What Sacrament makes us Children of God and members of the Church?
What sin does this Sacrament wash away?Baptism
Original Sin.
Through what Sacrament does Jesus welcome us sinners?
Reconciliation OR confession OR penance
What are God's law called?
Sunday Mass or bible study
Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist
How do we share reconciliation with others?
List me 3 things
Forgive others, ask for forgiveness, being fair, kind, share, respect
What is Reconciliation? And what are the 5 steps?
It is also known as “confession”, this is where we go and say sorry to God when we have sinned
Xet Minh: Examination of Conscience
An Nan Toi: Act of Contrition
Xung Toi: Confession
Tha toi: Absolution
Den toi: Penance
What do the commandments teach us?
Between what is right and wrong
When we receive the eucharist, who are we receiving?
Jesus Christ
How many readings are there during liturgy of the word and what are they?
3- first reading, second reading, and the gospel