Solving Problems
I Statements
Friendship Skills
About Us

You might feel this way if...

you were still finishing your work and your teacher said it was time to pack up.

Frustrated, Annoyed


Take perspective! Give two reasons why someone blurted something out when it was your turn to share. 

They were really excited, they didn't realize it was your turn, they are having a bad day and really need to share

Explain what an I statement is. 

A way to say what you feel and what you need.

"I feel .... when... I would like ...." 

Name two things that might make someone a good friend.

Having interests in common, being kind, being a good listener... and others!


They have an older sister.

Who is S.?


You might feel this way if...

you work really hard and get better at something.



Take perspective! Give two reasons why your friend might not have asked you to be their partner during group work time.

They wanted to work on their own today, they didn't know you wanted to work together, another classmate needed help


I statement: What you could say if someone bumps you in the hallway.

I felt hurt when you bumped me. I would like you to be more careful next time. Or something similar...


Name one thing that makes you a good friend.

There are lots of answers... it's up to you!


Someone in their family works at Hurst Castle.

Who is D.?


You might feel this way if... 

you think your friend ignored you.

Sad, lonely


Something you could do to work out a problem with a friend.

Talk it out, apologize, use an I Statement, see their perspective


I statement: What you could say if your friend took your things without asking?

I feel annoyed when you take my things without asking. I would like you to ask first. Or something similar... 


Name one thing you learned about friendship this year.

There are lots of things... it's up to you!

Their clock says 6:30 AM.

Who is Ms. Christy?


You might feel this way if...

your good friend moved away.

Lonely, disappointed, sad

A kind of statement you can use to tell someone how you feel.

What is an I Statement?


I statement: What you could say if your friend didn't work with you during partner work?

I felt disappointed we didn't work together today. I would like to be your partner another time. Or something similar...

Explain what perspective taking means.

Having different opinions, agreeing to disagree, or seeing different explanations


They both like movies.

Who are S. and D.? (And maybe Ms. Christy and Ms. Sarah, too!)


You might feel this way if...

you made a new friend that you have a lot in common with.

Excited, happy


Name two ways to calm down if you feel frustrated.

Take deep breaths, go for a walk, talk it out, count to 10... and others!


I statement: What you could say if your friend made a joke and it hurt your feelings?

I felt hurt when you made that joke. I would like it if you didn't make jokes like that about me. Or something similar... 


Name one thing you should do when having a conversation with someone.

Be a good listener, ask questions, take turns talking, stay on topic

They finished a university degree this year.

Who is Ms. Sarah?