Pancake Day
Valentine's Day
St. Patrick's Day
Bonfire Night

What is the traditional topping for pancakes on Pancake Day?

  1. lemon and sugar


What symbol is commonly associated with Valentine's Day?



What color is commonly associated with St. Patrick's Day?



What date is Halloween celebrated?

31st, October


What is the other name for Bonfire Night?

Guy Fawkes Day, Guy Fawkes Night or Fireworks Night


Why is Pancake Day also known as Shrove Tuesday?

Pancake Day is also known as Shrove Tuesday because it is the day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent in the Christian calendar.


Who is St. Valentine, and why is he connected to this day?

According to one popular legend, Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. Emperor Claudius II had outlawed marriage for young men, believing that single men made better soldiers. Valentine defied this decree and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When his actions were discovered, he was imprisoned and later executed on February 14th.


Who was St. Patrick, and why is he celebrated?

St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, is celebrated for his role in bringing Christianity to the Irish people and for his legendary deeds.

One of the most famous is that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland, although this is likely symbolic of his efforts to eradicate pagan practices. Another legend is that he used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish, which is why the shamrock is a symbol of St. Patrick's Day.  


What is the origin of Halloween?

Samhain was an ancient Celtic festival celebrated by the Gaelic peoples in Ireland, Scotland, and parts of Britain. It marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, or the darker half of the year. Samhain was celebrated from sunset on October 31st to sunset on November 1st.


Why do people in the UK celebrate Bonfire Night?

People in the UK celebrate Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night or Fireworks Night, to commemorate the events of November 5th, 1605, when the Gunpowder Plot was foiled.


How do people in the UK celebrate Pancake Day?

By making and eating pancakes and by pancake races.


How do people typically express their love on Valentine's Day?

Exchanging Valentine's Day cards, sending flowers: Roses, particularly red ones, chocolates, jewelry, and other thoughtful presents, romantic dinners, writing love letters.


What traditional Irish food is often eaten on this day?

Irish soda bread. 

On St. Patrick's Day, Irish soda bread might be served alongside other traditional Irish dishes such as corned beef and cabbage, Irish stew, colcannon (mashed potatoes with cabbage or kale), or smoked salmon.


What is the tradition associated with carving pumpkins on Halloween?

Jack-o'-lanterns are often carved with faces to represent spirits or ghouls, and traditionally were meant to ward off evil spirits on Halloween night. The light inside the pumpkin was believed to protect homes from evil forces and guide friendly spirits.


What historical event is commemorated on Bonfire Night?

Guy Fawkes Night commemorates the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in which a group of Catholic conspirators, including Guy Fawkes, attempted to assassinate King James I of England by blowing up the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament. The plot was foiled, and Guy Fawkes was captured, tortured, and executed.


What is the significance of eating pancakes on this day?

Using Up Rich Ingredients and preparation for Lent. 


What colors are often associated with Valentine's Day?

Red, pink, white.


Why do people wear green on St. Patrick's Day?

The green color is linked to the green landscapes of Ireland ("The Emerald Isle") and became a symbol of Irish nationalism and pride.


Why do children go trick-or-treating on Halloween?

For children, trick-or-treating is an exciting and enjoyable activity. They look forward to dressing up, collecting candy and treats, and experiencing the festive atmosphere of Halloween night.


What traditional food is often eaten on Bonfire Night?

Traditional foods associated with Bonfire Night include Parkin (a gingerbread-like cake), toffee apples, bonfire toffee (a hard, chewy toffee), roasted chestnuts, and hot drinks like mulled wine or hot chocolate.


 Name one other country that celebrates Pancake Day.

France. In France, the day is known as "Mardi Gras," which translates to "Fat Tuesday."


In addition to cards, what other gifts are commonly exchanged on Valentine's Day?

Jewellery, mascots, flowers, fragrances


What is the significance of the shamrock on St. Patrick's Day?

With the green shamrock St. Patrick is said to  explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish.


 Name one other country that celebrates Halloween.



 How do people celebrate Bonfire Night in the UK?

Bonfires, fireworks displays, effigy burning, some people, especially children, may dress up in costumes similar to those worn on Halloween, neighbors coming together to enjoy the bonfire, fireworks, and food .