Star Track: The Next Generation
Answer In The Form Of An Abbreviation
Patriot Act
With Author-ity
Going Green
Pretty Little Lies

This "Fifty Shades of Grey" star is the daughter of Don Johnson & Melanie Griffith

Who is Dakota Johnson


Bank of America has about 16,000 of these

What are ATMs


Daniel O'Connell, a patriot of this country, got the British to pass the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829

What is Ireland


In 1973 Anne Rice sank her teeth into writing her first novel, about an "interview with" one of these, & finished in 5 weeks

What is a vampire


Perhaps something you ate didn't agree with you if you look "green around" these fish parts

What are the gills


Casually let it be known you went to this university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, like John Quincy Adams & T.S. Eliot did

What is Harvard


This father & daughter both hit No. 1 on the music charts: he with "Achy Breaky Heart" & she with "Wrecking Ball"

Who are Billy Ray Cyrus & Miley Cyrus


In 2022 Congress gave this agency an additional $45 billion for enforcement, so double-check those deductions

What is the IRS


Montrealer Robert Stanley Weir wrote this national anthem with its stirring final words, "we stand on guard for thee"

What is "O Canada"


Harper Lee based Dill Harris on Truman Capote, a childhood friend in Alabama, in this Pulitzer-winning 1960 novel

What is To Kill a Mockingbird


In 2020 this company celebrated the 50th anniversary of the culinary delight known as the Shamrock Shake

What is McDonald's


Tell the story about how this pop icon seen here invited you onstage to sing “Baby” & was blown away by your pipes

Who is Justin Bieber


In the film "Straight Outta Compton", O'Shea Jackson Jr. played this man, his rapper father

Who is Ice Cube


It was once a military abbrev. helping coordinate operations: now it means "when I think I'll make it to the kegger"

What is an ETA


Italian patriot Garibaldi captured Palermo in 1860 with colorful troops called these, like a college athlete sitting out a year

What is a redshirt


Bootlegger Max Gerlach was one of the people F. Scott Fitzgerald may have used as the model for this title character

Who is Gatsby


Coach Vince Lombardi took over this NFL team in 1959 & led them to greatness

What are the Green Bay Packers


They'll love the story about how you went to Churchill Downs in 2022 for this big race & put a C-note on 80-1 longshot Rich Strike

What is the Kentucky Derby


For almost 100 years 3 generations of this family, Walter, John & Anjelica, have been lighting up Hollywood screens

Who are the Hustons


If you get this degree from Harvard, first given in 1873, you can call yourself doctor but don't try to diagnose me

What is a Ph.D.


Yukio Mishima's story "Patriotism" begins with a soldier committing this form of suicide; Mishima's life ended similarly

What is seppuku (or hara-kiri)


Mary Shelley wrote, "I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing" in this 1818 novel; spark infused! Ooooops

What is Frankenstein


Seen here, Mahershala Ali won a 2018 Supporting Actor Oscar for this film in which he played a musician touring the South

What is The Green Book


This Facebook founder would never have gone ahead & renamed his company Meta unless he checked with you first

Who is Mark Zuckerberg


This film director followed in Oscar-winning father's footsteps, scoring an Oscar for "Lost in Translation"

Who is Sofia Coppola


A tear of this ligament that prevents the tibia from sliding out in front of the femur has ended many a pro athlete’s season

What is the ACL


Before his "March to the Sea", his hallucinations of confederate forces made him request insane numbers of reinforcement

Who is (General) Sherman


She showed "Sense & Sensibility" by starting that book with "The family of Dashwood had long been settled in Sussex"

Who is Austen


This metropolis in "The Wizard of Oz" had houses built of green marble & window panes made from green glass

What is the Emerald City


How's this for a flex? You just got back from the gym, & get this, you dead-lifted a ton & a half, this many pounds

What is 3,000