This fast food location is popular for its ice cream machines always being broken
What is Mcdonalds
In 2024 the streamer ninja got this haircut
What is the answer for 2+2
what is 4
This item was added to the Wendy's menu In 2016
What is the grilled chicken ranch wrap.
In 2024 Donald J trump said this line(They're eating the dogs, they're eating the-------)
What are cats
What is 16 x 19
Who was the original founder of popeyes
Who is Al Copeland
In 2024 when working at McDonald's for his campaign Donald J. Trump said this to one of the customers at a drive through "Your not __ Your not __"
What is ordinary
What is the answer to this equation 24x2+25x−47ax−2=−8x−3−53ax−2 is true for all values of x≠2a, where a is a constant
What is -3