Adaptive Immunity
Adaptive/innate Immunity
Innate Immunity
Innate immunity

How does the PRR recognize an "foreigner" on a pathogenic organism?

What is PAMP


Substances that are recognized as foreign or non-self

What is an antigen


Mucous membranes protecting the skin and the membranous sheets lining the GI, GU and respiratory tract are examples of

What is Physical barriers


Vasoactive amine released during mast cell degranulation that causes temporary rapid constriction of large vessel walls and dilation of the post capillary venules, both of which increases flow to the microcirculation

What is histamine

Describe (briefly) the benefits of inflammation

Prevents infection, further microbial damage

limits/controls inflammatory process

interacts with components of adaptive ImSys

prepares area for repair


Serum glycoproteins or immunoglobulins produced by plasma cells in response to an antigenic challenge 

What is an antibody


The hepatitis B vaccine is a form of

What is active immunity (HBsAG)


Biochemical substance that Attracts leukocytes to the site of inflammation

What is chemotactic factor


Predominant Phagocytic cells in early inflammation

What is a Neutrophil


What are the hallmark features of acute inflammation




Most abundant class of immunoglobulins, constitute 80-85% of those circulating in the body and account for most of the protective activity against interactions

What is IgG


Immunity passed from mother to offspring is a form of

What is passive immunity


Three key plasma protein systems that are essential in order to have an effective inflammatory response

What are the complement system, the clotting system and the kinin system


These phagocytic cells are the body's primary defense against parasites

What is Eosinophil


Name 2 catagories/causes of acute inflammation


Tissue necrosis/injury


Name the granulocytes & describe where they are located

What is BEN M:  

Baso - blood

Eo - blood/tissue

Neutro blood/tissue

Mast - tissue


What is the central cell of inflammation

what is the Mast cell


This system is a group of plasma proteins that forms a fibrous meshwork at an injured or inflamed site and prevents prevents the spread of infection to adjacent tissue, trap microorganisms and foreign bodies at the site of inflammation for removal by infiltrating cells, forms a clot that stops bleeding and forms a framework for future repair and healing

What is the clotting system


Part of the innate immune system, these cells act against tumors, virally infected cells and obligate intracellular pathogenic organisms (like bacteria).

Name the type of cell, mechanism of action and what this will lead to

What is Natural Killer Cell & Tc

Recognize abnormal cell signalling molecules on self cells (ie red flags) --> secrete granules onto infected/tumor cell --> cell is signaled to enter apoptosis


Name or draw a concept map of the mediators of acute inflammation


Name the 5 immunoglobulin classes.  Which can cross the placenta? Which are found in mucus?

Bonus: Group of genes that code for protein found on the surface of the cells that help the immune system recognize foreign substances, Its like the cells "ID badge" is responsible for determining compatibility of donors for organ transplant

IgG, IgM, IgA,IgE, IgD

IgG cross placenta/are in breast milk

IgA are in mucus and breast milk

*all forms of Abs have been found in breast milk but the largest concentration is IgA

What is the Major histocompatibility complex


What are the systemic manifestations of inflammation

what is fever, leukocytosis, increased plasma protein synthesis


Name the 5 substances secreted by mast cells that initiate inflammation (via degranulation)

What is histamine, chemotatic factors, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, PAF


Local manifestations of cancer resulting from vascular changes and corresponding of circulatory components into the tissue are

What is heat, redness, swelling and pain


Name 7 cellular receptor involved in acute inflammation

PRR           PAMP                 DAMP

TLR           Complement       Scavenger
