This is the boundary that surrounds a cell and controls what enters or leaves the cell.
cell membrane
This structure provides support and protection for plant cells but is NOT found in animal cells.
What is the cell wall?
Green:The tough, nonliving, outer layer of each plant cell, it gives the cell shape, strength, and support.
These are organisms made up of a single cell.
Bonus +100 pts: Give an example of an organism.
Unicellular organisms
Ex: Bacteria, amoebas
Try to pull a fast one, the cytoplasm gels,
the ___________ takes over, controllin' everything
The nucleus acts as the ____________ for the cell.
What is control center?
This large sac in plant cells stores water, food, and air.
What is a central vacuole?
YELLOW & blue organelle, makes energy from food
This term refers to organisms made up of many cells.
Bonus +200: Name how their cells are organized from smallest to biggest.
Bonus: cells → tissues → organs → organ systems
Inside the ________ we can float around for hours...
This organelle is known as the "powerhouse of the cell" because it breaks down food to make energy.
What is the mitochondria?
This organelle is found only in plant cells and converts sunlight into food, which is used for energy.
What is a chloroplast?
RED: factory, production & packaging center
Endoplasmic Reticulum
This type of cell includes all plants, animals, fungi and protists.
It has a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
What is eukaryotic?
This is the gooey liquid inside the cell that holds the other organelles in place.
What is cytoplasm?
This organelle is found ONLY in animal cells, is shaped like a bunch of little tubes, and helps the cell divide.
What is a centriole?
pinkish-purple; post office that receives, sorts, delivers mail
If I contain chloroplasts, a cell wall, and a large vacuole, what kind of cell am I?
Plant cell
The __________'s something every cell needs, breaking down the food and releasin' energy
These small organelles help turn DNA into proteins, and are found in both prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells.
What are ribosomes?
Small round organelle ONLY in animal cells.
Function: Recycling centers -- break down waste materials and old cell parts
What is lysosome?
Dark yellow tubes; help cell to divide
What are centrioles?
This is a group of cells that work together to carry out a particular task in an organism
Ex: in humans, many specialized "muscle cells" work together to allow movement in larger muscles.
What is tissue ?
If you still think that this rap is whack, remember _________s making proteins, gettin' jacked!