This is the process by which a single parent produces genetically identical offspring.
What is asexual reproduction?
BONUS- 2x points
This type of cell division produces gametes for sexual reproduction.
What is meiosis?
Mitosis results in this many daughter cells
What is 2?
Meiosis results in this many daughter cells.
What is 4?
The main molecule that carries genetic information in all living organisms.
What is DNA?
Name the type of asexual reproduction where an organism splits into two identical cells.
What is binary fission?
In sexual reproduction, offspring inherit ____ of their genetic material from each parent.
What is half?
The phase of mitosis where chromosomes align in the middle of the cell.
What is metaphase?
The cell divides this many times during meiosis
What is 2?
This term describes organisms with two sets of chromosomes.
What is diploid?
BONUS- 2x points
This type of asexual reproduction occurs when a new organism grows off the body of its parent.
What is budding?
This occurs when the egg is fertilized by sperm inside of the female organism’s reproductive system.
What is internal fertilization?
In mitosis, the daughter cells are genetically ____ to the parent cell.
What is identical?
Unlike mitosis, meiosis creates daughter cells that are ____.
What is haploid/genetically unique?
This structure connects the sister chromatids in the middle of the chromosome
What is the centromere?
Starfish can regenerate lost arms, and in some cases, a new starfish can grow from a severed arm. This process is known as ____.
What is fragmentation?
This is the type of sexual reproduction in which the pollen of one plant fertilizes the ovules of another plant of the same species.
What is cross-pollination?
This is the phase of mitosis where the nuclear envelope breaks down and spindle fibers form.
What is prophase?
BONUS- 2x points
The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase I in meiosis is called ____.
What is crossing over?
The total number of chromosomes in a human somatic (body) cell
What is 46?
Name 3 organisms that reproduce by asexual reproduction
What are
- starfish, bacteria, hydra, jellyfish, sponges, planarian worms, yeast, mosses
The type of reproduction where the egg is laid outside of the mother’s body and is often protected by a nest
What is oviparity?
Some cells, like nerve and muscle cells, rarely divide once they mature. These cells exit the cell cycle and enter this resting phase.
What is G0?
This is the process by which homologous chromosomes align during metaphase I in meiosis.
What is random/independent assortment?
What are the checkpoints in the cell cycle?
What are G1, G2, M?