A machine that builds protein
What is the ribosome
A double-layered membrane surrounding the nucleus
What is the nuclear envelope?
Organizing site for microtubules.
What are the centrioles? (centrosome)
In addition to structure, these provide a track for the transport of vesicles from the middle to the periphery and back
What are microtubules?
The box made of cellulose around plant cells
What is the cell wall?
Derived from an ancient bacterium, it synthesizes most of the ATP in the cell
What is the mitochondria?
What is the plasma membrane (or cell membrane)?
Site where ribosomes are assembled.
What is the nucleolus?
Fibers mostly around the edges. Myosin uses it for transport.
What are microfilaments or actin filaments.
Tubes connecting adjacent plant cells through the cell wall
what is the nucleus
What is the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
Protein channels that transport mRNA, assembled ribosomes and other structures out of the nucleus.
What is the nuclear pore?
The most insoluble and stable components of the cytoskeleton.
What are intermediate filaments?
Collects fluid in the center of a plant cell to keep it rigid
What is the central vacuole
In plant cells, contains the machinery that uses light to make ATP
What is the chloroplast?
Surface proteins and secreted proteins are modified and sorted there
What is the golgi apparatus?
The DNA packaged and organized in histones and other proteins
What is chromatin?
Defects in these protein structures can lead to collection of fluid in the lung and male sterility
What are microtubules?
A recycling center for the cell
what is the lysozome?
Performs various functions such as storing ions and detoxifying chemicals.
What is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum?
A protein matrix throughout the nucleus that provides structure and organization.
What is nuclear lamina?
Defects in these protein structures can lead to defects in skin as well as hair and nails
What are intermediate filaments?
proteins needed inside the cell's cytoplasm are made on them.
What are free ribosomes?