Bingo Clues #3
Bingo Clues #4
Bingo Clues #5
Characteristics of Life
Characteristics of Life
1. Found inside the nucleus and creates ribosome.
What is Nucleolus?
1. Small and specialized units that work together inside a cell. 2. Nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplast are all examples of. 3. Endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome, and golgi body are all examples of.
What is an organelle?
1. Two or more cells working together make up. 2. Organs are made up of two or more ____________ working together. 3. Four types: connective, muscular, epithelial, nervous.
What is Tissue?
1. All organisms require this. 2. All of this originated from the Sun. 3. Animals obtain this by eating other organisms and plants obtain this through photosynthesis
What is energy?
All living things require this. It is found in fruit and vegetables and everything we eat and drink.
What is water?
1. Semi-permeable and allows certain things to enter or exit the nucleus. 2. Known as the nucleus’ bodyguard.
What is Nuclear Membrane?
1. An organism made up of only a single cell. 2. Bacteria are _______________ organisms. 3. This type of organism does not have tissues, organs, or organ systems.
What is Unicellular?
1. Any living thing. 2. Any thing that displays all six of the following characteristics: movement, response to a stimulus, growth/development, excretion, reproduction, obtain/use energy 3. Humans, trees, fungus, protists, and bacteria are all examples of
What is an Organism?
All living organisms engage in this and the most common gasses involved are carbon dioxide and oxygen.
What is gas exchange?
The process of living creates by-products that are dangerous to the organism. Therefore, all organisms need to do this.
What is eliminate waste?
1. Type of cell without a nucleus. 2. All bacteria are made up of this type of cell. 3. Type of cell without most organelles.
What is Prokaryotic?
1. The smallest or most basic unit of life. 2. All cells come from 3. Tissues are made up of two or more _____________ working together.
What is a Cell?
1. Discovered the cell. 2. Study small pieces of cork under a microscope. 3. His discovery lead to the development of the cell theory.
Who is Robert Hooke?
When things happen in the environment, organisms do this.
What is respond to the environment?
When organisms start life, they are small. As time passes, they get bigger.
What is grow?
1. Type of cell with a nucleus. 2. Humans are made up of this type of cell. 3. Plant cells and animal cells are both examples of this type of cell.
What is Eukaryotic?
1. Organisms made up of two or more cells. 2. All plants and animals are UNICELLULAR or MULTICELLULAR. 3. Type of organism that has tissues, organs, and organ systems.
What is Multicellular?
1. Two or more organs working together make up. 2. Digestive, respiratory, nervous, skeletal, and muscular are all examples of. 3. Cells -> Tissues -> Organs -> ?
What is an Organ System?
Eventually every individual will die. To make sure the species does not become extinct, living organisms do this.
What is reproduce?
All living things are made of this.
What are cells?
1. The blueprint for all of an organism’s traits. 2. Found on chromosomes, and inside the nucleus of an eukaryotic cell. 3. The abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid
What is DNA?
1. Two or more tissues working together make up. 2. Heart, eyes, brain, bones, and lungs are all examples of 3. Organ systems are made up of two or more ________________ working together.
What is Organ?
1. All organisms are made up of one or more cells. 2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function of life. 3. All cells come from cells.
What is the Cell Theory?
The four needs of all living things.
What are water, gas exchange, energy and eliminate waste?
The three functions of all living things.
What are respond to the environment, grow and reproduce?