OMG Organelles
Membrane Madness
Science Applications

This organelle that is made of phospholipids and determines what enters and exits the cell.

What is the cell membrane?


Moving from high --> low concentration is moving with the stream or against the stream?

With the stream - things naturally want to spread out.


The watery jelly that fills the space inside the cell and cushions the organelles is called ______



If the cell is like a body, the nucleus is like the _____.

Brain (control center)


How many atoms of Carbon are in 1 molecule of CH4?

1 (C1H4)


This organelle is the control center of the cell, contains the DNA, and is only found in Eukaryote cells.

What is the nucleus?


Osmosis is an example of 

a) active transport

b) simple diffusion

c) facilitated transport

c) facilitated transport


Identify 2 differences and 2 similarities of plant and animal cells.

plant: cell wall, chloroplasts, large vacuole, photosynthesis

both: eukaryotes, have cell membrane, have nucleus, both cells


Why do plants perk up when you add water to the soil? 

Water moves into the cell via osmosis, and into the large central vacuole of the plant cells. The water applies pressure to the cell wall.


In the chemical reaction O2 + 2H2 --> 2H2O what are the reactants?

 O2 + 2H2


This organelle synthesizes (makes) proteins.

What is a ribosome?


Oxygen gas molecules move into the cell without the cell doing any work. Oxygen gas molecules are small and non-polar and can cross the phospholipid bilayer. What type of transport is used to move oxygen in and out of the cell.

Simple diffusion

E, P, or B

the first life forms on Earth 3.5 billion years ago



Plant roots specialize in collecting minerals from the soil. What type of cell transport is used to intake minerals into the plant cells?

Active transport is used to concentrate the minerals inside of the plant cells. 


This macromolecule makes up the main part of the cell membrane

lipids (phospholipids)


This organelle is made of carbohydrates and provides structure to the cell.

What is cytoskeleton filaments OR cell wall.


why can water molecules not pass through the cell membrane directly?

water molecules cannot pass through the hydrophobic section of the phospholipid bilayer.


E,P, or B 

have a cell wall

both (plants and prokaryotes)


You weigh a piece of potato. You put the potato chunk into pure water overnight. When you weigh the chunk again the next morning. It has gained 5 grams. What happened? Explain what happened using your knowledge of osmosis.

Water moved into the cell (potato) because the potato had a lower concentration of water than the pure water around it. As water moved in, the potato gained weight.


Glycogen, the stored form of sugar in animals, is what type of macromolecule?



This organelle ships proteins and lipids to their destination which may be within the cell or a different cell.

What is the Golgi?


If a cell that is 4% salt is submerged in pure water, will water move into the cell or out of the cell? Why?

Water will move into the cell to try to diffuse the salt inside the cell. Water moves to dilute a solute via osmosis.


Identify 2 different uses of proteins in the cell.

 channel proteins in cell membrane, enzymes speeding up chemical reactions, cell signaling flags


What happens to the concentration gradient if protein channels used in facilitated diffusion are not functional.

If protein channels are blocked, there will be a build up of molecules on one side of the cell. 

Daily Double: how would this affect the movement of water in and out of the cell?


An ______ reaction has more energy released than energy used

exothermic (energy exits)