What is the basic unit of life?
The cell
what are prokaryotice cells?
unicellular organisms that lack a nucleus
what distiguishes eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells?
eukaryotic cells have a true nucluse enclosed by a nuclear membrain.
what does the cell theory say about the composition of living organisms?
the cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of one more cells
how manys cells are in the average human body?
37.2 trillion cells!
what is the function of a cell membrain?
regulates movement of substances in and out of the cell and provides protection.
what are 2 main types of prokaryotic organisms?
Bacteria and archaea.
what is the function of the golgi apparatus?
the golgi apparatus modifies,sports, and packages proteins.
what is considered the basic unit of life according to the cell theory.
the cell
whats the largest cell in the human body?
female egg.
what is the role of the nucluse?
control center of the cell housing the cells DNA
How do prokaryotic cells repoduse?
Through a process called binary fission.
what packages lipids?
the golgi apparatus.
what does the cell theory state about the orgin of the new cells?
the cell theory asserts that all cells arise from preexisting cells.
what is the smallest cell in the human body?
the sperm cell.
what is mitocondria?
The power house of the cell?
what is the fucnction of the cell wall?
provides structure and supports and protection to the cell.
how do eukaryotic cell reproduce?
throught the process called mitosis.
what were the main scientists involed in devloping the cell theory?
Matthias Schleiden,Theodor Schwann and Rudolf Virchow.
how long does it take for the red blood cell to travle around the whole body?
60 seconds.
What does mitocondria do?
they produce energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration.
what is the roles of lysosmes in the eukaryotic cell?
lysosomes contain digestive enzymes that break down waste materials.
what roles do the cells play in the process of organisms?
the cells carry out all essentials of life processes.
how many types of human cells are in the human body?
200 different types of cells.