A microscope that only has 1 eyepiece lens is called a ...
monocular microscope
The outermost part of plant cells is called ...
cell wall
The outermost part of an animal cell is called
cell membrane
Based on the number of cells, Amoeba is ...
unicellular organisms
Based on the number of cells, Spirogyra is ...
multicellular organisms
A microscope that has two eyepiece lenses is called a ...
binocular microscope
Organelles in plant cells that has function to do photosynthesis is called ...
Organelles in animal cells that has function in cell division is called ...
Based on the presence of nucleus, Paramecium is ..
eukaryotic organism
Based on the presence of nucleus, mushroom is ...
eukaryotic organism
A microscope that uses sunlight or a lamp as a lighting source is called a ...
light microscope
Organelles in plant cells that has function to store water is called ...
Organelles in cells that has function to produce energy is called ...
Based on the presence of nucleus, bacteria is ...
Type of animal cell that has function to transfer electrical messages around the body is called ...
nerve cells
A microscope that uses electron beams to magnify images is called a ...
electron microscope
Organelles in cells that function to produce protein is called ...
Organelles that have function to carry gen and inherited characteristics is called ...
Type of cell in animal that has function to carry oxygen is called ...
red blood cells (erythrocytes)
Type of cell in animal body that has function to reproduce in the male is called ...
sperm cells
The lens on a microscope that is located close to the object being observed is called ...
objective lens
Cells that have a nuclear membrane are called ...
Cells that do not have a nuclear membrane are called ...
Type of cell in plant that has function to carry out photosynthesis is called ...
palisade cells
Type of cell in plant that has function to control the opening and closing of stomata is called ...
guard cells