Animal Cells
Plant Cells
Organelles & Others

White blood cells help fight infections in animals. What structures in the cell allow them to do this effectively?

the lysosomes are there to help clean and break down the waste


What is the scientific word for the sugar that photosynthesis produces


What organelle does Photosynthesis occur in?



Are organelles are the same things as Cells

No, the organelles are inside the cells


What 2 organelles are NOT found in animal cells, but are found in plant cells



Desert plants often have larger vacuoles than rainforest plants. Why do you think this is the case? How does the vacuole help plants survive in dry environments?

they have adapted to not getting water frequently so they keep it stored for longer in times of no rain


Why do plants need photosynthesis?

they need to produce their own food with the sun because they can't eat like animals


This Organelle stores energy for the cell, sometimes called the "power house", What is the organelle?



is there only one kind of animal cell? Think about our bodies, do we have different kinds of cells? How do they all work together?

No we have all kinds of cells, blood cells, skin cells, brain cells, working together with their own jobs helping the body function


Why might plant cells need a larger vacuole than animal cells

to store water for longer, keep nutrients in longer, and or help with photosynthesis and waste management

H20+________+sunlight ----> 02+ Glucose

what is missing in the photosynthesis equation

CO2 carbon dioxide


What might happen to both plant and animal cells if they did not have a cell membrane?

The organelles would not be contained and there would be nothing controlling what goes in and out of the cell, risk of disease


Why dont animals need a cell wall compared to plants 

animals have structures built into their bodies already where plants need the structure

What would happen to a plant cell if it could no longer take in water through its vacuole? How would this affect the entire plant?

it would need to find a way to take in more water to help with photosynthesis, the plant would not grow as well and struggle to perform photosynthesis


What happens to plants in prolonged darkness? How do they photosynthesize in the dark?

some plants have adapted to have larger leaves, sorta to act like solar panels and store/ hold on to sunlight for those long periods of no light

How could you design an experiment to test whether a cell is from a plant or an animal? What materials and observations would you need?

You need to look under a microscope and somehow get a animal cell and plant cell to observe and while doing the experiment you would need to write down/draw what you are seeing in each cell to then compare


If scientists were to engineer an animal cell to have chloroplasts, what additional changes would be needed for the cell to carry out photosynthesis successfully?

they would need a way to take in carbon dioxide and sunlight, they would also need a way to store the energy, and or a way to not overheat


What might happen to plants without a CELL WALL?

They could Loss of Structural Support, Disrupted Growth and Development, easier to knock around in bad weather


What is the effect on humans if plants stopped doing photosynthesis, defend your answer

humans would loose a major oxygen source because photosynthesis is the key part of plants giving off oxygen


Scientists discover a new type of cell under a microscope. It has a large vacuole, chloroplasts, and a flexible outer layer. Would you classify this as a plant or animal cell? Explain your reasoning using evidence

Plant cell because it has chloroplast and because the larger vacuole are found only in plant cells