Organization of Life
More Organelles
Diffusion and Transport
Cells contain many of these organelles that are responsible for making proteins for the cell.
What are ribosomes?
A group of similar cells that work together to perform a function.
What is a tissue?
Provides protection and support to the cell membrane in plant cells.
What is the cell wall?

The type of cell does not contain a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. It does have a cell wall in addition to a cell membrane. 

What is a prokaryotic cell?

The movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
What is diffusion?
These organelles break down food molecules to produce energy. They are the powerhouse of the cell.
What are mitochondria?
Anything that can exist independently or live on its own.
What is an organism?
Digest food particles, wastes, cell parts and foreign invaders. This organelle is the clean-up crew of the cell.
What are lysosomes?

structures unique to a plant cell

What is a chloroplast and a central vacuole?

The diffusion of water across the cell membrane.
What is osmosis?
This organelle is the control center of the cell, and is where DNA is stored.
What is the nucleus?
A group of tissues that work together.
What is an organ?
This organelle provides storage for food, water and wastes.
What is a vacuole?

The three components of cell theory.

1. all living organisms are made of cell (s)

2. Cells are the basic unit of life.

3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.

The movement of particles through proteins in the cell membrane against the direction of diffusion; requires cells to use energy.
What is active transport?
This organelle is only found in plant cells, and contains chlorophyll that traps sunlight to make food for plants.
What is chloroplasts?
A group of organs that work together?
What is an organ system?
Passageways that transport proteins, make lipids, and break down harmful substances. This organelle is the highway of the cell.
What is the ER/endoplasmic reticulum?

What is evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?

1. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA.

2. The DNA is similar to bacterial DNA

3. Double membranes support the idea of endocytosis. 

The diffusion of particles through protein channels in the cell membrane from areas where their concentration is high to areas where the concentration is low.
What is passive transport?
This organelle surrounds all cells and keeps the cytoplasm inside. It is the gateway to the cell.
What is the cell membrane?
The basic unit of life in all living things.
What is a cell?
This organelle packages and transports materials out of the cell. It is known as the FedEx of the cell.
What are Golgi bodies?

This model explains how the plasma membrane is made of phospholipids and proteins that are always moving and dynamic.

What is the fluid mosaic model?

The process used to remove large particles from a cell; during this process the vesicle fuses with the cell membrane and the particles are released into their environment.
What is exocytosis?