Levels of Organization
What is the smallest unit of life?
A cell
This father son team developed the first compound microscope.
Hans/Zacharais Janssen
This organelle makes proteins.
Give an analogy for the nucleus.
Nucleus is like a town hall or principal within a school.
What do chloroplasts, cell walls, and large vacuoles all have in common?
They are all found in plant cells.
What is the genetic material of a cell, also called chromosomes.
Named cells and looked at cork cells
Robert Hook
This organelle contains digestive enzymes to break down stuff in the cell.
Give an analogy for the mitochondria and a reason why you choose this.
Mitochondria - power plant - because it provides energy for a city, like a mitochondria provides energy for the cell.
How can a unicellular organism be classified as an eukaryotic cell?

A: If it has membrane-bound organelles
B: If it does not have membrane-bound organelles.
C: If it is a large cell.
D: It is made of unicorn dust.
A: Eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles.
What is a single celled organism without a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles called and provide an example.
This scientist was the father of microbiology. He looked through his own microscope to discover animecules.
Anton Leeuwenhook

This organelle provides support and protection; it surrounds the cell membrane.

Cell Wall


Give an analogy for the vacuole, chloroplast, and a golgi body and a reason why you choose these.

Vacuole - Storage Closet - stores stuff
Chloroplast - solar panels - provides energy from the sun.
Golgi body - Mail Man - collects and distributes packages.
What are the three parts of the cell theory?
All Living things are composed of cells

All cells are produced from other cells.

Cells are the basic units of structure and function in all living things.
What type of cell creates multi or unicellular organisms that contain a nucleus and provide an example.
Eukaryotic, humans
These two scientists had last names that kinda sounded the same and were both German. Who were they and what did they do?
Theodore Schwann - Zoologist that looked at animal cells/tissues.

Matthais Schleinden - German Botanist who observed plant cells.

Together they said all living things are made up of cells.
Name all of the parts that are in an animal cell that are not in a plant cell.
Trick question: Plant cells have all of the organelles that animal cells have.
Thinking about this room, make analogies for three things in this room. You must provide explanations for this room. The analogies must be about organelles.
Desks - Hold books - Vacuoles
Plants - Take in light - Chloroplasts
Door - Controls what goes in and out of the room - Cell membrane
What is homeostasis?
Homeostasis is the ability to keep internal conditions the same. For instance, humans have an average temperature between 96 and 98. If we go over that we are sick.
Label each part of the picture below.
Red Cell - Prokaryotic Cell
Green Picture  under it - Bacteria

Two Cells - Eukaryotic
Blue Cell - Animal Cell
Green Cell - Plant Cell
What did Rudolf Virchow do?

How did this discovery change science at the time.
He stated living cells come from other living cells.

At the time most people believed in spontaneous generation and that life came from no where.
Name each organelle shown in the picture.

Make analogies for the following organelles and explain your reasoning for each. The analogies must be related to the school.

Nucleus, Cell Membrane, Mitochondria, Vacuoles, Nuclear Membrane
Answers will vary.

Nucleus - Principal - Tells the school what to do

Nuclear Membrane - Principals Office - helps protect the principal selecting who goes in and out of the nucleus.

Cell Membrane - Fence

Mitochondria - Generator/Boiler room - Provide energy for the school

Vacuole - Storage room - stores stuff for the school.
Provide an analogy for this beautiful creature and make it good. Remember he is a pet.

I would compare Geico to a Lysosome, the eats and protects his cage, just like a lysosome protects the cell.