Plant Cells
Animal Cells
Cell Theory
Cell Reproduction

This part of the cell allows things to enter and exit the cell.

What is the cell membrane?


Without the ____ _____, plants would not be able to stand up on their own, because plants do not have bones.

What is the cell wall?


How are animal cells different from plant cells?

What is animal cells cannot produce their own food through photosynthesis?


Who gave cells their names?

Who is Robert Hooke?


Single-celled life forms, including bacteria, protozoa, and certain plants, multiply via a simple cellular division process called _____.

What is mitosis?


This is a gel-like substance, primarily composed of water, that fills up the space inside the cell membrane.

What is the cytoplasm?


Photosynthesis is the combining of _____ ______, ________,and ________.

What is carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight?


What is the role of the nucleus?

What is to control all the cell's activities?


One component of the Cell Theory states that every living being is composed of ____ or _____ cells.

What is one or more?


True or False: Cell division through mitosis produce identical clones of the parent cells.

What is true?


This is the cell's command center. It's usually located near the center of the cell, and it contains the DNA of the cell.

What is the nucleus?


Explain how the vacuole in plant cells differs from the vacuoles in animal cells.

What is the vacuole in plants is singular and large, and it provides support to the plant cell in addition to storing excess nutrients. In animal cells there are more than one vacuole and they are not as large.


How are eukaryotic cells different from prokaryotic cells?

What is eukaryotic cells make up plants and animals, and prokaryotic cells make up bacteria and are unicellular?


Another component of cell theory states that cells serve as the basic unit of ____.

What is life?


This type of reproduction involves two parents to produce offspring, where the offspring gets half its DNA from one parent and the other half from the second parent.

What is sexual reproduction?


These tiny rod-shaped powerhouses transform the chemical energy from food into a form that the cell can use.

What is the mitochondria?


The two unique features of plant cells are ____ and _____.

What are chloroplasts and a cell wall?


What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?

What is it receives proteins from the ER, modifies them, and sends them throughout the cell?


The third component of cell theory states that all cells are born from ____-________ cells.

What is pre-exisisting?


Explain meiosis.

What is meiosis is the process of cell division in sexual reproduction where cells have half the genetic material as the parent cells?


These organelles are the cell's builders. They construct proteins, the cell's essential building blocks, following instructions from the nucelus.

What are ribosomes?


Explain the function of the chloroplasts in plant cells.

What is chloroplasts allow the plant to make its own food through photosynthesis.


Explain the process of how things diffuse across the cell membrane.

What is things will travel from higher concentration to lower concentration in and out of the cell?


Scientists who study cells are called _______.

What are histologists?


Explain how meiosis and mitosis are different.

What is meiosis is the process of cell division in most plants and animals that use sexual reproduction to produce offspring while mitosis is the process of cell division in single cellular organisms that create identical clones of the parent cells.