Organization Cell
Organ Systems
What is the relationship between renal cells and the kidneys?
What is: Kidneys are made up of many renal cells.
The smooth muscle found in the walls of the stomach and intestines is composed of which of the following?
What is: tissue
Which of the following best describes the structural level of organs such as the tongue?
What is:An organ is more complex than a cell, but less complex than an organism.
This organ system functions to circulate the blood through out the body.
What is: circulatory or cardiovascular system
How are amoebas and jellyfish similar to each other?
What is: The cell is the smallest functional unit in both organisms.
Which of the following best describes how a chloroplast is different from a vacuole?
What is: A chloroplast transforms light energy, and a vacuole stores water and other substances.
Tissues are composed of all the same type of structure which has the same function.
What is: a cell
The heart is composed of cardiac muscle and pumps blood using the contraction of the muscle. Which structural level best describes the heart?
What is: an organ
Through this system, the organism inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide.
What is: Respiratory System
New cells in an organism form to replace the aging cells. What best describes the new cells?
What is: The new cells are identical copies of the parent cells or the new cells are smaller than the parent cells.
Which of the following identifies the structural hierarchy that makes up the pulmonary system in order of increasing complexity?
What is: lung cell, lung tissue, lung, pulmonary system
A part of an animal is dissected and found to contain nerves, muscles, and skin cells. What is the level of organization of the part?
What is: an organ composed of several different tissues.
©1999-2011 Progress Testing Page 3 The leaf of a plant is composed of many parts such as stomates that let in gasses, xylem tissue that carries water, phloem tissue that carries food, and chloroplasts that make food.
What is: organ
A well balanced diet of grains, fruits, and vegetables allows this systems to provide nutrients for the organism.
What is: digestive system
If there is a problem with the organelles responsible for protein production, how would the lack of protein production affect the organism?
What is: If there is not enough protein, the organism will die.
Charlie looks at a human red blood cell and a plant cell under a microscope. Why do they look very different?
What is:The plant cell performs a different function than the human red blood cell. (different structures-different functions)
Different types of tissue with different structures and functions form the intestines. Both the small and large intestines are known as this.
What is: an organ
The biceps are the muscles responsible for flexing the forearm. Which of the following structures falls below the biceps in the structural hierarchy that can be used to describe human beings?
What is tissue
The respiratory and this system provides oxygen to all parts of the body.
What is: cardiovascular system
What structures do plant cells contain that animal cells do not?
What is: chloroplasts, cell wall, and a large central vacuole, although animal cells contain smaller vacuoles.
What structures do both plant cells and animal cells contain?
What is: cell membranes and ribosomes, mitochondria and nuclei
In some mature plant cells, the cytoplasm can be found within the largest vacuole. What is the most likely reason these two organelles may combine?
What is: By combining, the cytoplasm and vacuole help the plant cell maintain rigidity.
Which structure in animals functions in the same way as a cell wall in plants?
What is: skeleton
This organ within the nervous system enables the organism to make critical choices between right and wrong.
What is: the brain
Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium called mycobacterium tuberculosis.
What is:a cell