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Bingo Clues #2
Holds the genetic information (DNA) for the cell. It controls all cell activities.
What is the nucleus?
Thick, rigid layer that surrounds the plant cell and provides support and structure.
What is the cell wall?
Creates proteins. It can float within the cytoplasm or be attached to an organelle.
What are ribosomes?
1. Outer layer of ALL cells. Found in both animal and plant cells. 2. Allows materials to enter and exit a cell. Known as semi-permeable or selectively permeable. 3. Known as the cell’s bodyguard.
What is the cell membrane?
1. Tough and rigid outer layer of a plant cell. Found on the outside of the cell membrane. 2. Helps protect and provide shape and structure of plant cells. 3. Made of cellulose.
What is the cell wall?
Monitors and controls entry into and out of the cell.
What is the cell membrane?
Food producer for the plant cell. It converts the energy of the sun into sugar.
What is the chloroplast?
Helps transport proteins.
What is endoplasmic reticulum?
1. Organelle that directs all cellular activity. 2. Organelle that determines if a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic. 3. Known as the boss of the cell.
What is the nucleus?
1. Gelatin like fluid material found inside all cells. 2. Holds/Houses all of the cell’s organelles 3. Protects organelles and fills empty space between organelles.
What is the cytoplasm?
Jelly-like fluid that fills the cells and suspends the organelles.
What is the cytoplasm?
In plant cells, a large, fluid-filled space inside the cell that helps the cell maintain its shape and may also be used to store nutrients and waste products.
What is a vacuole?
In animal cells, small fluid spaces inside the cell that are used to store nutrients and waste products.
What are vacuoles?
1. Produces proteins for the cell. Found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 2. Some found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum and some are unattached. 3. Shaped like little dots.
What are ribosomes?
1. Found in both plant and animal cells. Organelle that releases energy stored in food. 2. Cellular respiration occurs in this organelle. 3. Known as the power house or power plant of a cell
What is mitochondria?
Acts as the digestive system inside a cell. It helps to break down old or unneeded parts of the cell, and substances that have been brought into the cell from the outside.
What are the lysosomes?
The three things that plant cells have that animal cells don't.
What are chloroplasts, cell wall and a large central vacuole?
Checks, makes necessary changes, packages and secretes proteins.
What are Golgi bodies/Golgi apparatus?
1. Transports proteins and other cellular materials throughout the cell. 2. Some are rough and some are smooth. 3. Known as the roads of a cell.
What is Endoplasmic Reticulum?
1. Only found in plant cells. Photosynthesis occurs in this organelle. 2. Organelle that contains chloroplyll or green pigment that provides plant cells with their color. 3. Organelle that converts light energy into sugar.
What is Chloroplast?
Produces energy to fuel the cell’s activities.
What is the mitochondria?
The process by which plants produce energy.
What is photosythensis?
1. Organelle only found in an animal cell. 2. This organelle breaks down and recycles cellular waste and old or damaged cell parts 3. Known as the garbage man of the animal cell.
What is Lysosome?
1. Found in both plant and animal cells. Organelle that sorts and package proteins and other cellular materials. 2. This organelle’s shape is a series of flattened membranes, similar to stacks of pancakes 3. Known as the UPS/FEDEX/Postal Service of the cell
What is Golgi Body/Golgi Apparatus?
1. Found in both plant and animal cells. Stores excess water and other cellular materials. 2. Animal cells have multiple small ones, but plant cells have one large, central one. 3. This organelle helps prevent a plant from wilting.
What is Vacuole?