Toddler/Preschooler Classroom
Health and Infection Control
Infant/toddler Classroom

The two types of training required by CCL 

Preservice & Annual 


Name 5 different attention getters

phrases 123 eyes on me avengers assemble all set you bet 

instrument noise 

hands up waterfall shhhh


How often do we clean and sanitize indoor containers where wet and soiled diapers are placed


high chair discussion


When should you check a child's diaper

  1. checked at least once every two hours; 

  2. promptly changed if wet or soiled; and 

  3. checked as soon as a sleeping child awakens.



Sing three nursery rhymes

  1. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
  2. Row, Row, Row Your Boat.
  3. Wheels on the Bus. ...
  4. Old Mac Donald Had a Farm. ...
  5. One, Two, Three, Four, Five. ...
  6. Itsy, Bitsy Spider. ...

The person responsible for covering your shift



You are working with two other teachers to care for 18 kids and you are just coming in from outside. What needs to be done

Teacher 1- take control of the class. Everyone take off coats and meet at the rug/table. Prepares materials (book, song, finger puppets, table activity) YOU hold the attention

Teacher 2- assist in hand washing. Verbally back up Teacher one- "Go find a seat and save me a spot by you" "listen to miss Carla" Stays close to the group

Teacher 3- Hang up coats, and provide support for teacher 1- can be verbal if not in the same area. Provide guidance to children astray


The provider shall clean and sanitize any toys and materials used by children:

  1. at least once a week or more often if needed; 

  2. after being put in a child's mouth and before another child plays with the toy; and 

  3. after being contaminated by body fluid.


Name 3 objects that should be inaccessible to infants and toddlers

Items that fit in the choke tube, Styrofoam, plastic bags, cleaning supplies, scissors, 


What common color of crayon is NOT found on the sign outside

acceptable answers- Black, Brown, Gray, White. 


Three guidelines requiring phone usage during work

Put it away!

Ask a Lead teacher if you need to step out for an emergency 

You can have it in your pocket when are outside 

 the lead is gone and you are in charge


5 activities you could do with the class outside

MR fox

freeze tag

red light green light

duck duck goose

ring around the rosey

sleeping monster

cube with actions


When do we wash hands

  1. upon arrival; 

  2. before handling or preparing food or bottles; 

  3. before and after eating meals and snacks or feeding a child; 

  4. after using the toilet or helping a child use the toilet;

  5. after contact with a body fluid; 

  6. when coming in from outdoors; and 

  7. after cleaning up or taking out garbage.


The provider shall allow each infant and toddler to eat and sleep...

On their own schedule


Documentation for older toddlers and prek

Meal count sheet


Potty if necessary

notify when taking class outside


two things required for employment 

Background check and CPR/1st aid certification 


Describe active supervision

  1. caregivers know the number of children in their care at any time; 

  2. caregivers' attention is focused on the children and not on caregivers' personal interests; 

  3. caregivers are aware of the entire group of children even when interacting with a smaller group or an individual child; and 

  4. caregivers position themselves so each child in their assigned group is actively supervised.


The difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting

cleaning- Remove all visible dirt, debris, and substances from areas and items that are accessible to children.

Sanitizing-Reduce germs on objects to levels that are safe for children by using a sanitizing product or process.

Disinfecting-Kill 99.9% of germs on objects by using a disinfecting product or process.


You are alone in the classroom with 3 babies who are all crying. What do you do?

Identify immediate needs- Diaper, bottle, nap what items do I have to help me? bouncer, high chair, crib.

Start with one- meet the need, find a comfy place for them, move to the next. 

Station yourself to Talk, sing, smile and interact with all of them at all times. 


Describe all forms of documentation for infants

label bottles with name date & time

Infant feeding record

update whiteboard and BW

The mission of the Center for Hope

The Sorenson Legacy Foundation Center for Hope is committed to the rention and graduation of SUU Student-parents by providing an innovative and efficient facility offering high quality and affordable on-campus childcare, preschool lab, and parent and family support. 


GO TO classroom management strategies

Redirection, positive reinforcement, give choices,  encourage kids to talk through the problems


When do we consider it necessary for a child to go home, what is the procedure?

  • A fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for infants younger than 4 months of age, or a fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher for children age 4 months and older

  • An unexplained rash

  • Irritability

  • Lethargy

  • A persistent cough

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Infected eyes with discharge


Steps for changing a diaper BE SPECIFIC

collect materials and lay out the liner

collect child

open soiled diaper

wipe from front to back apply cream if necessary 

remove soiled diaper and roll up use tabs to close

place new diaper on and dress child

place child down /wash his/her hands

throw away diaper and liner 

wash hands thoroughly


List 5 emergencies and how we respond to them 

Injured child- life threatening or not? Not life threatening but serious- contact parent or guardian- Emergency contact and assess medical attention needed. Life threatening-serious allergic reaction, loss of consciousness,  (injury to head back or eye,) limit movement, call 911, administer CPR  

Evacuate the premises- grab red bag and line kids up. Meet out front, walk to Harris center

Fire drill-grab red bag line kids up. Meet out front in family playground area. 

Intruder- use key to lock yourself and kids in the classroom. turn off lights and find the place most hidden from the door/windows. DO NOT LET ANYONE IN. 

Earthquake- Drop, cover and hold on- hold infants closest to chest. 

Power failure (Within 60 mins) activities-