American hypocrisy
bad moral(e) economy
It's later than you think
Weber you like it or not
The Gospel truth?

The term for the social, political, and economic system that upholds White people's dominance across institutions and societal settings.

What is White supremacy?


This economic concept, explored by Thomas Piketty, refers to the system in which inherited wealth far surpasses what can be earned through a lifetime of labor, promoting vast inequalities.

What is unregulated capitalism?


This phrase describes the "indignities and absurdities of the modern economy," where big business clashes with social democracy and public welfare.

What is late-stage capitalism?


This sociologist outlined the connection between the Protestant work ethic and modern capitalism in his 1905 work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.

Who is Max Weber?


This term refers to the belief that financial success is a sign of divine favor, and that monetary rewards are a blessing from God.

What is the prosperity gospel?


This system, which disproportionately impacts Black, Latinx, Asian, and Native American communities, is often maintained through practices like colonization, slavery, and mass incarceration.

What is institutionalized racism?


In his book Capital in the 21st Century, this economist argues that without regulation, wealth grows faster than the economy itself, deepening inequality.

Who is Thomas Piketty?


A philosophy that drives wide-spread inequalities, rising unemployment, and precarity of positions that influence the availability and quality of decent jobs.

What is neoliberalism?


This term refers to the belief that hard work is a calling and that profit-seeking is a virtuous endeavor, stemming from Protestant and Puritan values.

What is the Protestant work ethic?


This social media trend is often associated with wealthy individuals attributing their success to divine blessing.

What is #blessed?


In 2021, this percentage of managerial and professional positions in the U.S. were held by White people, demonstrating the persistence of racial inequities in the workforce.

What is 78%?


This term refers to high-income workers, such as financial professionals, whose wealth has far outpaced the economy.

Who are supermanagers?


In late-stage capitalism, this sector, deemed essential during the COVID-19 pandemic, is often underpaid and undervalued, despite its importance to the economy.

What is the retail and service sector?


In Puritanical thought, this concept refers to the belief in spending time with family as a way to compensate for the encroachment of work on personal life.

What is the myth of quality time?


Prosperity gospel preachers often claim that this religious figure's plan includes delivering good Christians from poverty.

Who is Jesus?


This organization, following the murder of George Floyd, pledged to address the "pandemic of racism" by focusing on policing, racial disparities, and institutional racism.

What is the American Psychological Association (APA)?


This economic anthropologist disavowed the idea of a self-regulating market, arguing that it destroys the human character of labor and natural resources.

Who is Karl Polanyi?


This concept, glorified in late-stage capitalism, refers to the expectation for workers to juggle multiple jobs and side projects as part of the “hustle” culture.

What is the gig economy?


Research suggests that endorsement of the Protestant work ethic is strongly correlated with this type of business activity, emphasizing self-starting ventures.

What is entrepreneurial behavior?


This term describes the negative stereotypes and distancing toward people in poverty, influenced by prosperity gospel beliefs that the poor "deserve" their misfortune.

What is cognitive and behavioral distancing?


The theory in vocational psychology that examines how economic resources and oppression affect access to decent work for marginalized populations.

What is Psychology of Working Theory (PWT)?


This economic and political ideology, often critiqued for perpetuating late-stage capitalism, emphasizes free markets and minimal government intervention in the economy.

What is neoliberalism?


According to Pouyaud, late-stage capitalism is driven by this emotion, which has become a structural component of modern work conditions, fostering suffering and inequalities.

What is fear?


This term refers to the perception of work as meaningful and purposeful, a concept linked to the Protestant work ethic but also associated with risks like burnout and exploitation.

What is vocational calling?


Research shows that endorsing prosperity gospel beliefs is correlated negatively with these two personality traits and behaviors.

What are conscientiousness and helping behaviors?