What is another way to describe the central idea?
The central idea is what the passage or reading section is mainly about.
1. The people of ancient Egypt created an advanced civilization. More than 6,000 years ago, they developed a calendar with 360 days divided into 12 months. The people made paper and learned how to write. They also built huge monuments with machines they invented.
What is the passage mostly about?
The creation of an advanced civilization in Egypt.
Guinea pigs may be pets in the United States, but in Peru, they are dinner. Guinea pigs are a good source of protein for many people who live in Peru. They can also be a much needed source of income for people who raise them to sell.
In Peru, many people eat guinea pigs.
Sarah practiced everyday for 3 hours and went on to the Olympics to win the gold medal.
Practice makes perfect, Winners never quit, Hard work pays off
Because lambs are sometimes eaten by coyotes, ranchers may hunt or trap the coyotes. However, killing coyotes may upset nature's balance. Scientists have found a way to protect sheep without killing coyotes. Coyotes are fed lamb meat treated with a drug. When they eat the meat, they get sick. Later, coyotes won't even go near lambs. They'll hunt rabbits instead.
This story mainly tells.....
how scientists help protect sheep and coyotes.
The thick, white coat of the Arctic fox keeps it warm in freezing temperatures. It also help the fox to blend into the snowy landscape so that it can hide from predators and sneak up on prey without being seen.
-The thick, white coat of the Arctic fox has two important jobs.
-Purpose/importance of the white coat of the Arctic fox.
What is the theme: Ben broke Tom's lamp and didn't care. Tom never invited Ben over again.
Respect people's property.
Where can the theme of a story be sometimes be found?
At the end of the story.
Do you ever wonder how you taste things? You owe your sense of taste to your taste buds. We have 9,000 taste buds just on the tongue alone. There are also taste buds on the roof of your mouth. You even have taste buds on the back of your throat.
What does the author want you to learn about the passage?
where taste buds are found
A shark may have up to 3,000 teeth at one time. Shark teeth grow in rows. When a shark loses a tooth, it is replaced by a new tooth from the row behind it. A shark may have over 20,000 teeth over the course of its life.
Sharks have a lot of teeth.
What is the theme: Timmy chose his best friend as a partner. They talked too much and did not finish the project.
Choose your partners wisely.
What do the details of a story support?
The main idea/central idea
Three flies notice an overturned honey pot. Two of the flies decide to land in the honey and start eating it. But the oldest fly stays back. The two flies tease the older fly, but then get stuck in the honey.
What is the theme of this story?
Some prizes aren't worth it.
Kangaroos spend most of their time in groups called mobs. Kangaroos communicate with each other with clicks, cough, hisses, and growls. They also groom each other by picking dirt, insects, and dead skin from each other's fur.
- Kangaroos are very social animals.
-Kangaroos do may things with other kangaroos.
-Kangaroos socializes with other kangaroos.
A little boy was told he could have one cookie after dinner. When he put his hand into the jar of cookies, he grasped as many as he could possibly hold. When he tried to pull his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the cookie jar. He burst into tears and cried. His mom helped him by telling him to let go of the cookies and punished him by sending him to his room cookie-less.
What is the theme?
A. Eating cookies can be dangerous.
B. Don't be greedy or you could end up with nothing.
C. Don't put your hand in a jar.
B. Don't be greedy or you could end up with nothing.
What is one way to find the central/main idea?
As Tai strummed the guitar, Charlesa looked at her with pride. For so long, Tai's fingers had clumsily tripped over the strings, but now she played the song with ease. Getting to this point hadn't been easy for Charlesa, either. She sighed, trying to bury the memories of all the screaming tantrums Tai had thrown. Once, she nearly threw her guitar against a wall. But now when Tai smiled, and the tune of "Sweet Home Alabama" floated out of the instrument, Charlesa smiled, too. It had been worth it.
Which of the following is most likely a theme of the story
Hard work can bring great rewards
-Smartphones can be used in both good and bad ways.
-Smartphones have good and bad usage.
-Smartphones can be useful and harmful.
ne day, a boy was bored and decided to play a trick on his village. "There is a wolf in the woods!" The villagers ran to shoo the wolf away, but there was no wolf. The next day he said again, "A wolf! A wolf! There is a wolf in the woods!" Again, they all ran to the woods and again, no wolf. On the third day the boy saw a snarling wolf as he walked home through the woods. "A wolf a wolf!" He cried. The villagers did not come as they had already been fooled twice before. The wolf gobbled up the boy in one big GULP!
What is the theme of this story?
ever Lie, Always tell the truth