Central Line Dressing & Blood Draws
PICC vs CVC vs Port
Implanted Ports
Central Line Misc
Cumulative Review

Describe 3 benefits of a semipermeable dressing

Allows visual inspection

Secures the catheter

Requires less frequent changes


Describe 2 advantages of your patient receiving an implanted port over a tunneled central venous catheter

Improved body image (low visibility of port) 

Patient comfort 

Local catheter site care and dressing not needed when not in use


True or False: Access an implanted port requires sterile technique.



What is the ideal vein for PICC line placement?


When hanging a piggy back infusion, which bag of fluids should be lower using the blue hook?

Primary bag of fluids should be lower using the blue hook


What is the first action the nurse should take if the needleless connector becomes disconnected from the lumen?

Clamp the lumen


Your patient was recently diagnosed with cancer and will be receiving chemotherapy over the next 4 months, what central venous catheter would you expect to be placed?

Implanted Port

The nurse is preparing to access the port of a patient with a high BMI. What should the nurse do differently given this information?

Utilize a longer non-coring needle


Describe 2 steps the nurse should take to prevent infection when changing a central venous catheter dressing

Have the patient wear a mask or turn head to side

Have the practitioner wear a mask

Utilize sterile technique

Clean beginning at the site of insertion and move away

Allow to dry completely


Name 3 locations an IV should not be inserted into for an adult patient




Restricted extremity


What amount of fluid should be flushed to reduce the risk of catheter damage when flushing a central venous catheter?

Flushing with at least 10mL of normal saline or 2x the volume within the system


Your patient is having a PICC line placed this afternoon. What vein would you expect to be used in this procedure for best results?

Basilic vein


What amount of time should pass following the placement of an implanted port?

It can be used immediately


Describe 3 pieces of education you should provide your patient with a central venous catheter

Keep clamps closed when it is exposed to air

Cover the site when bathing or showering

Avoid sports

Keep sharp objects away from the catheter to prevent blood backflow or air embolism

Avoid swimming

Notify your provider of any upper extremity soreness


What is the best way to prevent an IV on an infant from becoming dislodged?

Utilized a joint stabilization device along with your semi-transparent dressing


Under what circumstances should central venous catheters be flushed?

Before and after medication of administration

After blood sampling

Upon discontinuation of an infusion


Your patient is receiving frequent antibiotics for 19 days and is a difficult IV start. What CVC would you expect to be inserted?



What volume of blood should be wasted when obtaining a blood sample from an implanted port?

Per facility policy


What documentation is essential following removal of a PICC line?

Length of the catheter

Your patient has a blood type known as the universal recipient. What is their blood type?



What is the primary purpose for flushing a central venous catheter after a blood draw?

Decrease the risk of thrombotic catheter occlusion


Describe 4 reasons your patient may have a PICC line placed instead of a peripheral IV.

Long term antibiotics - infusions can be frequent, prevents need for new IV site each session

Frequent lab draws

No peripheral access - some patient have veins that are not easy to access

High osmolarity solutions




How often should the non-coring needle of an implanted port be replaced?

Every 7 days


What step should the nurse take if the patient begins to develop shortness of breath, coughing, and cyanosis with a central venous catheter?

Place the patient in Trendelenburg 


Describe the steps to administering a medication IV push that is not compatible with the running solution

Stop the pump

Flush with normal saline

Administer the medication

Flush with normal saline

Restart the pump