a name for a nerve cell
what is a neuron
where messages are transmitted from one cell to another
what is the synapse
the left side of the brain
what controls the right side of the body
when immune system attacks the myelin and progressively causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body over time.
what is multiple sclerosis
how many nerve cells are you born with
what is approximately 10 billion
the 3 parts of a neuron
what is the axon, dendrite, and synapse
balance and movement is controlled by
what is the cerebellum
the right side of the brain
what controls the left side of the body
a common form of dementia which destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks.
what is Alzheimer's disease
how much does a brain weigh
what is 3 pounds
the part of the nerve cell which sends messages
what is an axon
nerves which carry messages to the brain
what are sensory nerves
controls automatic organ function
what is the medulla
reoccurrence of seizures caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
what is epilepsy
how many miles of nerve cells do we have
what is 45 miles
controls involuntary movements, with sensory nerves and reactions
what is the somatic nervous system
part of the nerve cell which receives messages
what is the dendrite
the largest part of the brain
what is the cerebellum
when blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen which causes tissue to die
what is a stroke
how fast do impulses travel
what is 250 mph
controls voluntary movement
what is the peripheral nervous system
when a message takes a "short cut: to the spinal cord
what is a reflex
the part that connects the brain to spinal cord
what is the brain stem
Nerve cell damage in the brain causes dopamine levels to drop. symptoms affect movement such as tremors
what is Parkinson's disease