Entering the Room
Book Care
Check Out
Voice Levels
Materials and Equipment

What should you do when you walk into the library?

Stand in line quietly and then take your seat. 


How should I mark my place in my library book? 

A bookmark.


On the day of library, where should I return my books? 

Bring them to the circulation desk to be checked back in.


When do we use a level 3 in the library?

When entering the library/ when Mr. Albright or Mrs. Sweet are speaking/ during the read aloud/ during silent reading/ when leaving. 


How long are you allowed to borrow a book?

One week. 


What should I bring to the library with me?

Nothing except books you want to check in/renew or books to read on silent reading days.


If I've just eaten, what should I do before reading my library book?

Make sure my hands are clean. 


What is a shelf marker? 

Use this to help keep our place on the shelf and to keep our shelves neat.


When do I use a Level 2 voice? 

Use this voice level when you are doing partner work.


If you're not finished with your book, you would need to do this.

Renew the book. 


What voice level should we use when entering the library?

Level 3


Where should I put my books when I take them home?

In my backpack.


What is the book drop? 

A place to return books if an adult isn't present or a place to return books if they've been found. 


When is it okay to use a Level 1 voice in library? 

Use this voice level when you are speaking to the entire class.


Is playing games on the computer once checkout is over an option in library? 

No. Games should never be played after checkout unless Mr. Albright says otherwise. 


Where do books go if you need to check them in on library class day?

In the book drop or on the circulation desk. 


Why shouldn't I let others borrow my library books?

The book is checked out in your name and it is your responsibility. 


How long am I required to sit in my assigned seat?

Until silent reading at the end of library. 


What Level voice does Mr. Albright teach at? 

Level 1


What must you do if you misplace a book? 

You will need to locate, replace or pay for the lost book. 


Where do I sit during library? 

In your assigned seat until checkout.  


What types of things/people should I keep my books away from? 

Pets, small children, and water.


Where can I look to help me find the book I'd like to check out? 

Online catalog on the computers. 


Use this voice level during emergency drills. 

Level 3


Why is it important for each of us to take care of the LIbrary's materials and equipment? 

So others can use it too.